THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESENTED BY PROF. CHARLES A. KOFOID AND MRS. PRUDENCE W. KOFOID Gardening for Pleasure. A GUIDE TO THE AMATEUR IN THE FRUIT, VEGETABLE, AND FLOWER GARDEN, WITH FULL DIRECTIONS FOR THE GREENHOUSE, CONSERVATORY, AND WINDOW-GARDEN. BY PETER HENDERSON, AUTHOB OP " GARDENING FOB PROFIT," AND "PRACTICAL PLOBICULTUBK," JEBSEY CITY HEIGHTS, N. J. ILLUSTRATED. NEW YORK: ORANGE JUDD COMPANY, 751 BROADWAY. 1883. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1875, by the ORANGE JUDD COMPANY, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 36 fr • I CONTENTS. Introduction 7 CHAPTER I. Soil and Location 9 CHAPTER H. Drainage 10 CHAPTER III. Preparation of the Ground 13 CHAPTER IV. Walks 14 CHAPTER V. Manures 16 CHAPTER VI. How to Use Concentrated Fertilizers 18 CHAPTER VH. Special Fertilizers for Particular Plants 21 CHAPTER Vm. The Lawn 22 CHAPTER IX. Design for Garden 25 CHAPTER X. Planting of Lawns and Flower-Beds 30 CHAPTER XI. Fall, or Holland Bulbs 3g CHAPTER XH. Propagation of Plants by Seeds 39 CHAPTER Xm. Propagation of Plants by Cuttings 43 CHAPTER XIV. Propagating by Layering 45 CHAPTER XV. About Graf ting and Budding 47 CHAPTER XVI. How Grafting and Budding are Done 51 (3) IV GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. CHAPTER XVII. Treatment of Tropical Bulbs, Seeds, etc 57 CHAPTER XVHI. The Potting of Plants 6° CHAPTER XIX. Winter Flowering Plants 62 CHAPTER XX. Unhealthy Plants— The Remedy 67 CHAPTER Plants Suited for Summer Decoration CHAPTER Hanging Baskets "^ CHAPTER XXm. Window Gardening 75 CHAPTER XXIV. Parlor Gardening, or the Cultivation of Plants in Rooms 77 CHAPTER XXV. Wardian Cases, Ferneries, Jardinieres 82 CHAPTER XXVI. Winter-Forcing the Lily of the Valley 84 CHAPTER XXVH. Greenhouses Attached to Dwellings... 87 CHAPTER XXVIII. A Detached Greenhouse or Grapery 90 CHAPTER XXIX. Heating by Hot Water 95 CHAPTER XXX. Greenhouse or Pits Without Artificial Heat 98 CHAPTER XXXI. Combined Cellar and Greenhouse 99 CHAPTER XXX11. Hot-Beds 102 CHAPTER XXXHI. Shrubs, Climbers, and Trees — 104 CHAPTER XXXI V. Hardy Herbaceous Perennials 107 CHAPTER XXXV. Annual Flowering Plants 112 CHAPTER XXXVI. Flowers which will Grow in the Shade 114 CHAPTER XXX VII. Insects... ...115 CONTENTS. V CHAPTER XXXVm. Mildew 120 CHAPTER XXXIX. FrozenPlants 121 CHAPTER XL. Mulching 122 CHAPTER XLI. Are Plants in Rooms Injurious to Health 124 CHAPTER XLH. Shading 125 CHAPTER XLTTT, The Law of Colors in Flowers 128 CHAPTER XLIV. Pruning 133 CHAPTER XLV. Hardy Grapes 133 CHAPTER XLVI. Cold Grapery 144 CHAPTER XLVH. The Hot-House or Forcing Grapery 150 CHAPTER XLVIIL The Strawberry 153 CHAPTER XLIX. Cottage-Gardening— A Digression 175 CHAPTER L. The Vegetable Garden 177 CHAPTER LI. Garden Implements 223 Monthly Calendar of Operations 234 INTRODUCTION. I have endeavored in writing ( ' Gardening for Pleasure," to divest it, as far as I was competent to do so, of the technical terms and phrases which professional gar- deners use in writing or talking on matters relating to horticulture ; and to use the plainest language at my command in describing the simplest methods of culture. Whether I have succeeded in making the subject as clear as I have desired to do, those who read the work must decide. My aim in writing the book was to make it such as would be useful to the occupant of a city lot, or to the possessor of a few window plants, as well as to the owner of a country residence that is fully appointed in all mat- ters relating to the cultivation of flowers, fruits, and vegetables. The necessity for such a book has been made evident to me by the inquiries from hundreds of ama- teurs in gardening ; inquiries to many of which neither of my previous works, ("Gardening for Profit," or "Practical Floriculture,") furnished proper replies ; the one being written mainly for information of the vegetable market gardener, and the other for the commercial florist. PETER HENDERSON. JEBSEY CITY, N. JM Oct., 1875. (7) Gardening for Pleasure, CHAPTER I. SOIL AND LOCATION. It is rare in determining the site for a residence, that the soil is taken into consideration, and in consequence, we sometimes find that the garden surrounding the house presents a barren appearance, that nothing can remedy short of the placing a foot of good soil over the whole surface. This condition is not so often due to the natural poverty of the soil, as caused by grading off the surface soil, or by filling up to the desired grade with the material thrown out in excavating the cellars, or other subsoil, clay, or gravelly material, and placing these over the soil intended for the garden. This is often done for the convenience of contractors, to the great injury of the proprietor, without either being aware of the bad results. As a good soil will tend more than all else to give satisfactory results in garden opera- tions, it is all important to secure it. When discretion can be used in deciding on a location, one should be chosen that has naturally a suitable soil, rather than to attempt to make it so by carting a foot of good soil over the bad, which would be found not only very expensive, but in many situations, next to impracticable. I have (9) 10 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. before said, in some of my writings on this subject, that the soil best suited for all garden purposes, is what is known as "sandy loam," not less than ten inches deep, overlying a subsoil of sand or gravel. Such a soil rarely requires drainage, is easier worked, and gives bet- ter results than that known as " clayey loam," which overlays a putty-like subsoil of blue or yellow clay, which must be drained thoroughly before a seed is sown or plant set out, or there will be no satisfactory reward for the labor. The location, if choice can be made, should be such as will allow the garden to slope gently, (say one foot in a hundred), to the south or south-east, and if protected by hills or timber to the north-west, so much the better. If not protected naturally, a hedge of Hemlock Spruce, or Norway Firs, planted on the northern and western side of the site intended for the garden, would be of great advantage. These evergreens can be bought from 2 to 3 feet high, at from $15 to $25 per 100 ; and should be planted according to size, from 2 to 3 feet apart, making a cheap and ever improving screen or fence, which may be trimmed to any required hight or thickness. CHAPTER II. DRAINAGE. As drainage will be in many instances indispensable to success, I will briefly state a few of the simplest methods that may be adopted, premising that it is utterly useless to expect to cultivate any soil satisfactorily that does not freely and rapidly carry off the surface water. An expert in soils can determine almost to a certainty by digging down two or three feet, whether or not a soil DRAINAGE. 11 requires drainage, but the safest guide for the inexperi- enced is to judge by the growing crops in his neighbor- hood. If on a similar soil good crops of corn, pota- toes, or hay, are found on undrain- ed soil, then it is certain there is no necessity to drain, for no matter how cultivated, or how heavily ma- nured land is, there can never be a good crop raised in any season, if the soil is water-logged. If the place to be drained is of large ex- tent, and the ground nearly level, it will always be safer to call in the services of an engineer to give the proper levels and indicate the necessary fall, which should never be less than half a foot in the hundred, and if more can be had, so much the better. In heavy, clayey soils, we make our lateral drains three feet deep and fifteen feet apart, where there is less clay in the subsoil, we make them from twenty to thirty feet apart, and four feet ieep. If stones are plenty on the ground, they may be profitably used in filling up the excavated ditch to half its depth, as shown in figure 1, and which is known as a rubble drain, using the larger stones at the bottom, and Fig. 2.— HORSE-SHOE DBAIN-TILE. smaller at top, and covering over with inverted sods, to keep the soil from being washed in among the stones, and thus choking up the drain. But when they can be obtained at reasonable price, the best and most durable draining is that done by tiles. It makes but little dif- ference whether the tile used is the round with collars, 12 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. or the horse-shoe ; we rather prefer the latter, particu- larly if the bottom of the drain is " spongy ; " we then use a board for the bottom of the drain, as shown in fig- ure 2. This board is a common one of hemlock or spruce, cut in four pieces ; it is ripped through the mid- dle, and then these parts split in two, making boards of five inches wide by half an inch in thickness, thus making the common hemlock board stretch out to a length of fifty feet. It is often a very troublesome mat- ter to get the few drain tiles necessary to drain a small garden, and in such cases an excellent and cheap substi- tute can be had by using one of boards. Take ordinary rough boards, pine, hemlock, or spruce, and cut them into widths of three or four inches, nail them together so as to Fig. 3. — TRIANGULAR BOARD DRAIN. form a triangular pipe, as represented in figure 3, taking care to " break the joints " in putting the lengths to- gether; care must be taken that the boards are not nailed together too closely, else they might swell so as to prevent the water passing into the drain to be carried off. These drains are usually set with a - flat side down, but they will keep clear better, if put with a point down, though it is more trouble to lay them. Drains made in this way will last much longer than might be supposed. Last season I came across some wooden drains that I had put down over twenty years before, and they seemed sound enough to last twenty years longer. PREPARATION OF THE GROUND. 13 OHAPTEK III. PREPARATION OF THE GROUND . After draining, (if draining is necessary), comes the preparation of the soil. Presuming that the ground where the new garden is to be made is an open space, clear of trees or other obstructions, there is no cultiva- tion so cheap and yet so thorough, as plowing and har- rowing. To do this properly, the ordinary plow should be followed by the subsoil plow, stirring the subsoil up about fifteen inches deep, so that the water will pass through to the drains, natural or artificial, freely. After the plow and subsoiler, follows the harrow, which should be weighted, so that the teeth sink six inches into the soil, in order to completely pulverize it. In Europe, it would be considered sacrilege to use a plow or harrow in the preparation of a private garden, and most of old- country gardeners among us will stand aghast at such ad- vice, but I have been through all parts of the work, and am well satisfied, from no limited practice, that plowing and harrowing will not only do the work at one-fourth of the cost, but in a better manner than the ordinary digging or trenching with the spade. Let me here cau- tion that great care be taken never to plow, dig, harrow, rake, or hoe ground when wet ; if work must be done, pull out weeds, or set plants, if you will, but never, under any circumstances, stir the soil in preparation for a crop until it is dry enough not to clog. If stirred while wet, the particles stick together, and the crop is not only in- jured for the season, but in some soils the bad effects show for years. 14 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. CHAPTEE IV. WALKS. It is no unusual thing to see the owner of a neat cot- tage make himself perfectly ridiculous by the way in which he lays out the walk from the street to his front door. There is a prevailing opinion that such walks should be curved ones, and gentlemen, often otherwise shrewd and intelligent, place themselves without question in the hands of some self-styled " garden architect," and thus manage to make themselves the laughing stock of a neighborhood. There was a well marked instance of this in a garden occupying a block in almost the cen- ter of Jersey City, where a man pretending to have a full knowledge of the subject, induced the proprietor to have a walk running about one hundred yards from the street to the house, made so curved that its length was nearly twice that distance. It was hard on the butcher's and grocer's boys, and it was said that even book-peddlers and sewing-machine agents, and lightning-rod men, looked ruefully at it and left him in peace. Some old authority on this subject says, that there " never should be any deviation from a straight line unless from some real or apparent cause." So if curved lines are insisted on, a tree, rock, or building must be placed at the bend as a reason for going around such obstacles. It will be evi- dent to any one who reflects upon the matter, that a curved walk running a distance of a hundred yards or so from the street to the house, across an un plan ted lawn, is utterly absurd. All short foot- walks from the street to the house should be straight, entering from the street at as near right angles as possible, and leading direct to the front door. There should be no necessity for a carriage road to the front entrance of a house, unless it is distant WALKS. 15 at least 100 feet from the street, and then a drive is best made by having an entrance at each side of the lot, as given in figure 4, presuming that the width of the ground is 500 feet, and the distance from street to the front door is 150 feet. Even here the foot-walk should be direct. The width of the roads or walks must be governed by the extent of the grounds. For carriage- way the width should not be less than ten feet, and for foot-walks, five feet. Nothing is more annoying than to have a shower-bath in early morning from the dew from I HOUSE 1 500 Ft FRONT STREET Fig. 4. — APPROACH TO A HOUSE — DRIVE AND PATH. an overhanging branch in your narrow walk. We often see gardens of considerable pretentions where the walks are not more than three feet wide, where it is utterly im- possible for two persons to walk abreast without getting their dresses torn or faces scratched by overhanging branches. Besides, it argues a narrowness in the owner, particularly if the grounds are at all extensive, and looks as if he were determined to cultivate every available foot of land. Of course it is another matter when the garden plot is limited to the width of a city lot, (20 or 25 feet) ; then such economy of space is per- fectly excusable. The character of the soil must in a great measure determine the manner of making the road. Every one must have noticed that after a heavy rain, un- paved streets in some districts remain next to impassable for many hours, while in others, after the same amount 16 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. of rain, the roads will seem firm and comparatively dry. In the former all carriage roads, and even foot-walks, to have any satisfaction from them, should have their founda- tions formed something like that shown in figure 5 ; this gives thorough drainage for the water at each side, and a depth of from one foot at center to two feet on sides of rubble stone and gravel to form the bed of the road or walk ; but in sandy or gravelly soils, through which the Fig. 5.— SECTION OP BOAD WITH DRAIN EACH SIDE. water passes quickly, no such expense is necessary, as an equally good road may be made by five . or six inches of gravel. In foot-walks on such soils, I have found that three or four inches of gravel mixed with one fourth its bulk of cement to "bind," when watered and well rolled, makes an excellent smooth walk, and one in which, be- cause of its hardness, there is no trouble with weeds. CHAPTER V. MANURES. Whether one wishes to cultivate vegetables, fruits, or flowers, all soils, to give good results, sooner or later need manure ; this is more particularly the case with what are known as " vegetables," these being usually quick grow- ing, succulent plants. No "fertilizer" answers so well for all purposes as thoroughly decayed stable manure, whether from horse or cow stable, it makes but little dif- ference, except that that from the horse stables is best suited for heavy soils, while that from the cow-stables MANUKES. 17 suits best for light soils. The quantity used for vegeta- bles should not be less than would cover the whole sur- face of the ground at least three inches deep, and it should be mixed with the soil as thoroughly as possible by plowing or spading. In the absence of stable manure, recourse must be had to concentrated fertilizers, the best of which are Peruvian guano and bone dust. Here a word of caution is necessary as to the quantity to be used ; as their fertilizing qualities are concentrated, instead of being diffused as in stable manure ; if either guano or bone dust, or fertilizers of similar character, come di- rectly in contact in large quantities, with the roots of plants, it injures them beyond remedy, hence in the use of these the necessity for caution. In our large field practice in vegetable growing, we use about 2,000 Ibs. per acre of guano, sowing it on the surface of the ground after plowing, and then harrowing it in so as to mix it with the soil to the depth of five or six inches. Now, as there are 4,840 square yards in an acre, it will be seen that something more than half a pound of guano or bone dust is required for every square yard of surface to be fertilized. This quantity will just nicely cover the surface, about as thick as the sand on a sanded floor ; after spreading on the dug surface, it should be mixed with the soil with a spading fork or long-toothed rake to the depth of five or six inches, bearing in mind that the more thoroughly it is mixed with the soil the better will be the result. If used in "hills" for corn, tomatoes, melons, etc., the same proportionate quantity is to be applied, and the mixing must be equally thorough. 18 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. CHAPTER VI. HOW TO USE CONCENTRATED FERTILIZERS. Whatever kind of concentrated fertilizer may be used, I find it well repays the labor to prepare it in the follow- ing manner: to every bushel of fertilizer, add three bush- els of either leaf -mold (from the woods), well pulverized muck, sweepings from a paved street, or — in the absence of either of the above — common garden soil. In every case the material employed must be as dry as it is possi- ble to procure it. "When guano is used, be careful to have it thoroughly pulverized and broken up before mix- ing with the other ingredients. The fertilizer must be well mixed with the soil or mold used by turning it at least twice. This mixing should be done in winter, or early spring, and the material packed away in barrels in a dry place for at least a month before using it. The main object of this operation is for the better separation and division of the fertilizer, so that when applied, it can be more regularly distributed over the land ; besides this, no doubt the fertilizing qualities of the leaf -mold or other substance are developed by this treatment. Ex- periment has shown that this method of using concentra- ted fertilizers of nearly all kinds, materially increases their value. One of the most successful market-garden- ers in our neighborhood, has adopted this method for years, and in extensive experiments with different kinds of fertilizers, with and without being mixed, finds a sav- ing of quite one-third in quantity in thus treating them. He finds that 1,200 Ibs. of guano, mixed with two tons of garden soil, and sown over the surface after plowing, and then harrowed in, is equal in effect to 2,000 Ibs. of guano used without mixing. HOW TO USE COKCEtfTKATED FEETILIZEES. 19 We have ourselves experimented with guano, blood and bone, and bone flour, with nearly like results, and as a top dressing for grass, we think the advantage of mix- ing is even more marked. When fertilizers are applied to* corn, potatoes, tomatoes, etc., in hills or drills, it is not only more economical to mix in this manner, but much safer in inexperienced hands ; for when any strong fertilizer is used pure, injury is often done to the roots by their coming in contact with it in too great quantity in the raw state, owing to imperfect mixing in the hill or drill, while, if composted as advised above, the danger is much less. We are often asked as to the quantity to be applied to different garden crops. Taking guano as a basis, we would recommend for all vegetable crops, if earliness and good quality are desired, the use of not less than 1,200 Ibs. per acre, (an acre contains 4,840 square yards, and cultivators for private use can easily estimate from this the quantity they require for any area), mixed with two tons of either of the materials recommended. This quantity is used broadcast by sowing on the ground after plowing, and deeply and thoroughly harrowing in, or if in small gardens, forked in lightly with the prongs of a garden fork or long toothed steel rake. When ap- plied in hills or drills, from 100 to 300 Ibs. should be used to the acre, according to the distance of these apart, mixing with soil, etc. , as already directed. In regard to which of the fertilizers is most desirable, we find but little difference, provided each is pure. Gu- ano at $80 per ton, is relatively as cheap as blood and bone fertilizer at $65 ; bone flour at $50, or superphos- phate at $40 ; for in the lower priced articles we find we are obliged to increase the quantity to obtain the same results, so that the cost is nearly alike whichever be used. The all important point is the purity of the arti- cle, a matter that few working farmers or gardeners ever attempt to decide except by the results in culture, hence 20 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. we advise each one who has been using a fertilizer that has proved satisfactory, to experiment but lightly with anot'^r until the new article has proved its merits. The competition in the manufacture of articles so much in use as fertilizers, has in many instances forced down prices below t_-j point at which they can be produced in a pure state, hence the widespread adulteration with " salt cake," "plaster," and other articles utterly worth- less but to make weight. Next in meanness to the quack that extracts money from a poor consumptive for his vile nostrums, is the man who compels the poor farmer or gardener,, may be a thousand miles away struggling for an existence, to pay freight on the sand mixed with his guano, or the plaster in his bone dust. In this relation I am reminded of a retribution that fell on the " Sands of Life man," who figured so conspicuously a few years ago in New York. The advertisement of this philan- thropic gentleman, it will be remembered, was that " A retired clergyman whose Sands of Life had nearly run out," would for a consideration tell how the " running out " could be stopped in others. A kind hearted fellow in Illinois, deeply sympathizing with the old gentleman on account of his loss of " sand," sent him by express — but forgot to prepay — a thousand pounds of the article ! It is reported that the ' ' retired clergyman " on opening the cask, expressed himself in a manner not only ungrate- ful, but utterly unclerical. We counsel no vengeance, but if some of these sand-mixing guano men could have the sand sifted out by their victims with compound in- terest added, and returned to them under the fostering care of an express company, it would be but even handed justice, SPECIAL FERTILIZERS FOR PARTICULAR PLANTS. 21 CHAPTER VII. SPECIAL FERTILIZERS FOR PARTICULAR PLANTS. A man called at my office a few years ago with some dozen bottles as samples of special manures, indispensa- ble, lie said, as fertilizers for certain kinds of plants. He had those with him that he claimed to be specially prepared for cabbage, corn, potatoes, wheat, grass, lawns, beets, etc. , etc. He even invaded Flora's realm, and de- clared that his nostrum for roses was a specific for any languid capers of this sometimes rather coquettish queen of flowers. His own arguments, which were rather plausible and glibly uttered, were backed up by numer- ous certificates — authentic, I have no doubt — where his "potato fertilizer" had worked wonders with some, with others his f ' corn manure " had been of undoubted benefit, and so on all through the list. Now, I have no reason to say that the vender of these fertilizers was a quack, except the broad fact, gathered from an experience of thirty years, that has shown me that it makes but little difference with what fertilizer a crop is treated, provided the soil is properly pulverized and the fertilizer applied in proper proportions according to its strength. Had all his separate kinds of fertilizers been taken from the same bag, (provided that bag coa- tained a good article of bone-dust or guano), the resutt to his patrons would have been the same, whether he had used it on one or all of the crops that he had special prescriptions for. There are few market gardeners in the vicinity of New York but who have at one time or another been obliged to take anything they could get for fertilizing purposes, and the difference has never been perceptible when ma- nure from horse stables or cow stables has been applied, 22 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. or when $100 per acre has been expended for bone-dust or Peruvian guano, and these all used on a dozen dif- ferent crops without any discrimination. Agricultural chemistry may be all very well in some respects, but if it gets down to such hair-splitting niceties as to analyze scores of special plants, and tell us that we must feed each with only just such food as the analysis show it to be composed of, then our common sense, born of practical experience, must scout and ridicule such nonsense. Plants, like animals, are not so much kept in good health by the special kind of food given as by the proper quantity and conditions surrounding the individual when the food is received, and what proper temperature and pulverization of soil may be to the plant, air and exercise and also proper temperature are the corresponding con- ditions necessary for healthy animal life. Who will say that the beef -fed English laborer is in any way the phys- ical superior of the Irishman or Scotchman whose daily food has been only potatoes and oat-meal ? You get usually fine and nearly equal development in each case, but it is a condition due to a natural use of the muscles in the open air in a congenial climate rather than to anything special in the food. It would be quite as rea- sonable to tell us that a special food, chemically consid- ered, is necessary for each class of our domestic animals as for our domestic plants, and none but the veriest charlatan or ignoramus will do either. CHAPTER VIIL THE LAWN. Since the introduction of the lawn-mowers, the keep- ing of the lawn has been so simplified that no suburban residence is complete without one, and there is now no THE LAWN. 23 more excuse for tall grass " going to hay" in the door yard than there would be for cobwebs taking possession of the rooms inside the dwelling. We occasionally see some parsimonious individual, even now, who remembers that in his grandfather's days, grass was allowed to grow for the food of the "critters," and he leaves it for food for his "critters" still. Though at the same time his furniture inside, that nobody but himself ever sees, or has an op- portunity to admire, for such men are not troubled with friends, may have cost him $5,000 or $10,000. We have two or three notable examples of this kind in my imme- diate neighborhood, but it is gratifying to know that such neighbors are not numerous, for the example of the majority will soon shame them into decency. To have a lawn in first rate condition, the ground must be put in order in the way described under the heads of te Draining" and " Preparation of the Soil," for if these are necessary anywhere, they are still more necessary for the lawn, the soil of which should be as thoroughly pul- verized and enriched by manure, as any ground intended for the cultivation of either vegetables or fruits. Great care must be taken to have the surface of the ground for the lawn, (unless a very large one), made perfectly level, for if this is not done before the lawn is sown, it cannot be altered but at great expense and inconvenience. After the surface is made level roughly, it should be further smoothed with the rake, and all stones of any considerable size removed, so that the surface will be smooth for the action of the lawn- mower. Wherever the extent of the lawn does not ex- ceed 2,500 square feet, and where sods can be obtained from a suitable pasture near at hand without much cost, the best way to make the lawn is to sod it, but before doing so, the ground should be rolled or beaten down, particularly if any portion of it has been filled in, so that there may be no " settling " to form hollows or inequali- 24 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. ties. A convenient size of sod to lay down is 12 by 18 inches, and of a thickness of 2 inches, in laying see that the edges are neatly laid together; and the whole firmly beaten down with the back of a spade. If it is dry weather when the work is done, it may be necessary to thoroughly drench the newly-laid sod for a week or so after planting, every other evening. When the lawn is too extensive to be sodded, the following mixture of grass seed may be used, whic]i we have found to make an ex- cellent lawn : 8 quarts Rhode Island Bent Grass. 3 quarts Creeping Bent Grass. 10 quarts Red Top Grass. 10 quarts Kentucky Blue Grass. 1 quart White Clover. This mixture is not indispensable to the formation of a good lawn, though we believe it to be the best. Some of the fine lawns seen at Newport, R. I., are composed al- most entirely of Rhode Island Bent grass mixed with about one-sixth of white clover, but the humidity of the atmosphere there has no doubt more to do with the rich- ness of the lawn than the variety of grass it is composed of. I may here caution the use of spurious seed for this purpose. It is no uncommon thing that either through ignorance or short-sighted economy, (( hay-seed " is taken direct from the hay-loft and sown to form the lawn. If from good hay, the seed will be principally timothy and red clover, and vain would be all the attempts to get a smooth lawn from such a source. It would be about as reasonable to expect figs from thistles. If the soil is rich, and has been thoroughly prepared, three bushels per acre will be sufficient, but if thin and poor, from four to five bushels had better be sown. If sown in early spring, as soon as the soil is dry enough to work, a good lawn will be formed by midsummer the first year, if it has been DESIGN FOR GARDEN. 25 mown regularly at intervals of eight or ten days. The seed must be sown as evenly as possible, and for this rea- son a calm day must be chosen, as a very slight wind will throw the seed into heaps. After sowing, the ground may be lightly harrowed if the surface is large, but if not, give it an even raking, but in either case the ground should be smoothed down with a roller or patted with a spade, so to form a smooth surface to be mowed. Al- though if a choice can be had, it is best to sow the lawn seed in early spring, yet it can be sown nearly as profita- bly in September, or in the more southerly states in Oc- tober, or for that matter, even as late as May and June in spring, only if so late, it is better to mix one quart of oats to every bushel of grass-seed, that the oats may shade and protect the young grass from the sun until it has root enough to support itself. But if sown in March or April, or in September or October, there is no need of using the oats, as no injury will be done by the sun at these seasons. To keep the lawn in proper condition, it should be mowed over once every week if the weather is moist, and not less than once in two weeks, even in dry weather, for if the lawn has been properly made in the first place, and " top dressed" with a good coat of well- rotted manure in fall, and the rough raked off in spring, the weather must be dry and hot indeed to prevent its growth. CHAPTEE IX. DESIGN FOR GARDEN. As this book is intended to comprehend all the wants of a cottage or suburban garden, including flowers, fruits, and vegetables, it would increase its size too much to 2 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. 200 Feet Front. Fig. 6. — DESIGN FOB IAY1NG OUT GROUNDS. DESIGK FOE GAKDEtf. 27 give a great variety of designs for the flower-garden. To those that require such, some intelligent landscape gar- dener should be consulted. Intelligent, I say, for nine out of ten that pretend to be landscape gardeners are not ; but consult a man able to draw a neat design, for if he cannot do that he is not a very safe person to be intrusted with the working out of the plan of another. You are careful to ascertain that the architect for your house is a man of education and intelligence before you entrust yourself in his hands, but when it comes to de- signing the lawn and flower-grounds, the veriest bog- trotter, who styles himself a " landscaper," is too often allowed to display his " art," and at the same time make you ridiculous. Eest assured that if such a pretender has not had ambition enough to become fairly well in- structed, he is not likely to show much taste in design- ing your grounds. The design, (fig. 6), shows an area of 200 feet by 350, or a plot of nearly two acres, about one-third of the whole facing the street, is used for flower-garden and for dwelling, the two-thirds in the rear for fruit and vegeta- ble grounds. There is a point in this sketch, to which I wish to call attention, as it is one too often lost sight of ; the flower-garden and lawn face the street, while the fruit and vegetable grounds are at the rear ; the view of these from the street is shut out upon one side by a screen or tall hedge of evergreens, H, and upon the other by a curvilinear glass structure, G, which may be used either as a grapery or a greenhouse. The walk, w, passes on each side of the house to connect with other walks at the rear ; the beds, F, may be planted in ribbon lines either with flowering plants or those with brilliant and strongly contrasting foliage. The flower-beds, F, each side of the entrance near the front, may be made of any form that may be preferred ; a simple circle planted as suggested in the next chapter, will produce a good effect, and be GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. 200 Feet Front. Fig. 7.— DESIGN FOB GROUNDS WITH CABBIAGE-DEIVE. DESIGN FOR GARDEN. 29 more easily cared for than beds of the style here given ; most persons, where the floral ornamentation is, as in this case, confined to a few effective masses, prefer to change not only the manner of planting such beds each year, but to alter their form occasionally. The unbroken area of lawn at c is intended for a croquet ground. At the rear of the house the central walk is spanned by a grape ar- bor, G A, if one wishes the vines to afford shade, or a simple trellis may run each side ; the borders next the fence on each side and at the rear, (not shown in the plan), may also be used for grapes, or will be convenient for raspberries, currants, and other small fruits. The large plots, v F, are for the main crops of vegetables and fruits ; asparagus, rhubarb, strawberries, and such other crops as remain year after year without being disturbed, should be so placed at the outset as to be interfered with as little as possible in the frequent working of the soil necessary for other crops. A lot of this size will require the labor of one man, whose time must be exclusively devoted to the garden, and to nothing else, to keep it in proper order. Such is the extent, and something near the design of the grounds I use for such purposes. I generally have selected one of my most active men to take charge of it, and find he has plenty to do to do it well. A second design (fig. 7) shows a lot of the same dimensions, with a different arrangement, there being a stable, s, and no rear entrance, it is necessary to provide one from the front, and in order to secure a greater breadth of lawn, the house is placed at one side of the center of the grounds. The drive, D, in the design is made to turn around a group of flower-beds of fanciful pattern, but this may be replaced by a single circle, planted as suggested in the next chapter, or by a group of ornamen- tal evergreen or other shrubs. In this design the cro- quet-ground is at c, and the grape arbor, G A, is used to shut out the view of the vegetable gronnds from the street. 30 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. * A row of closely planted evergreens at H serves to break the force of the winds ; the suggestions as to the other details in the preceding plan, (fig. 6), apply to this also. CHAPTEK X. PLANTING OF LAWNS AND FLOWER-BEDS. The subject of lawn planting, including the proper setting and grouping of trees and shrubs, and their most effective disposal, is too extended for the scope of this book. These matters belong to works upon landscape gardening, and are ably treated in those by Downing, Kemp, Weidenmann, Scott, and others. But the plant- ing of flower-beds comes properly within our limits. The old-fashioned mixed borders of four or six feet wide along the walks of the fruit or vegetable garden, were usually planted with hardy herbaceous plants, the tall growing at the back, with the lower growing sorts in front. These, when there was a good collection, gave a bloom of varied color throughout the entire growing season. But the more modern style of flower borders has quite displaced such collections, and they are now but little seen, unless in very old gardens, or in botanical collections. Then again, we have the mixed borders of bedding plants, a heterogeneous grouping of all kinds of tropical plants, still holding to the plan of either placing the highest at the back of the border if it has only one walk, or if a bed has a walk on each side, the highest in the middle, and the plants sloping down to the walk on each side. The mixed system still has its advocates, who deprecate the modern plan of massing in color as being too formal, and too unnatural a way to dispose of flowers. But be that PLANTING OF LAWKS AHD FLOWER-BEDS. 31 as it may, we will not stop to argue the matter further than to state, that in a visit to England in 1872, it was most evident that the " Carpet Styles" of massing plants as done at Battersea Park, London, were interesting to the people in a way that no mixed border could ever be. Any one who has not yet seen the wonderful effects pro- duced by the massing of plants in this way, has a treat before him. Nearly all the public parks in and about London are so planted, and thousands of cottage gardens vie with each other in imitation of the parks. But to plant in patterns or in ribbon lines requires for immediate effect a large number of plants, for the reason that they must be so set out that they will meet to form continu- ous masses shortly after planting. An illustration in circles (for convenience), is given in fig. 8, to show what plants can be massed together to give a pleasing effect. Of course it will be understood that a bed of any shape can be planted in this manner as well as circular beds, only keeping in view the width of the bed. For example, a bed having a diameter of ten feet may require eight or ten different kinds of plants to form the necessary contrast, while that of five feet will not re- Fig' 8-^GB^ <» ™>WEK-BED. quire more than half that number. The following named plants are well suited for planting in masses or ribbon lines ; they are named as nearly as possible in the ordei of their hight, number one in each case being the tallest. Many of them will require to be "pinched back" to keep at the proper hight, so that the outline will form a regular slope from the center or highest point, down to GARDEtfl^G FOR PLEASURE. the front or lowest point — thus in list No.l, Canna Indica zebrina will grow six feet high, while Lobelia Paxtoni, Fig. 9. — SECTION OP FLOWER-BED. the lowest, is less than six inches. The section given in figure 9 will give an idea of the arrangement of a bed of this kind. LIST No. 1. 1. Canna Indica zebrina, leaves green and brown striped 6 2. Salvia splendens, flowers scarlet 5 3. Golden Coleus, leaves orange and brown 4 4. Achyranthes Lindeni, leaves rich crimson 3 5. Phalaris arnndinacea var., leaves white and green 2ya 6. Achyranthes Gilsoni, leaves carmine 2 7. Bronze Geranium, leaves golden bronze iya 8. Centaurea Candida, leaves white 1 9. Alternanthera latif olia, leaves crimson and yellow 3/4 10. Lobelia Paxtoni, flowers blue V» LIST NO. 2. 1. Caladium esculentum, leaves large green 5 2. Japanese Maize, leaves striped white and yellow 5 3. Coleus Verschaffeltii, leaves chocolate crimson 4 4. Delphinium bicolor, flowers blue and white 3 5. Cyperus alternifolius var., leaves white and green Z1/^ 6. Achyranthes Verschaffeltii, leaves crimson 2 7. Mountain of Snow Geranium, leaves white and green iya 8. Tropseolum, Ball of Fire, flowers flame color 1 9. Echeveria metallica, leaves gray, 'metallic lustre 3/4 10. Alternanthera amoana, yellow and carmine Va PLANTING OF LAWNS AND FLOWER-BEDS. 33 It will be understood that these lists of plants can be transposed in any way necessary to suit beds of all widths, keeping in view that where small beds are placed near walks the lower growing kinds are most suitable, while for beds at greater distances from walks, or other points of view, the taller growing kinds must be used. Very fine effects are produced by plant- ing on a lawn a single specimen of stately habit, such as some varieties of the Eicinus, or Castor-oil Bean, which grow ten and twelve feet in hight in one season, and are particularly striking plants. Or instead of this, a mass of six, eight, or twelve plants of scarlet sage will form a group six feet high by as many in diameter, and its dazzling scarlet color, contrasting against the green of the lawn, is superb. Many of the Amaranths are also well suited for planting in single groups. Amarantus tricolor gigantea, (Joseph's coat), grows to the hight of six feet, an,d its leaves in the late summer and fall months exceed in brilliancy of color anything we know of in foliage ; scarlet, crimson, and golden yellow pre- dominating. Another, the Amarantus Ueolor ruler, grows to the hight of five feet, and is plumed with scar- let crimson. In contrast to these, plants of a more somber tint may be used, in individual specimens or in a group of such as Pampas Grass, (Gynerium argenteum), or the Eavenna Grass, (Erianthus Ravenna), each of these attain a hight from six to ten feet, and have a graceful ap- pearance. The Tanyah, Oaladium esculentum, a tropical looking plant growing three or four feet in hight, and producing leaves sometimes eighteen inches across. THE CARPET STYLE OF FLOWER-BEDS. Planting, as practised at Battersea and other parks in London, is as yet but little seen with us ; our public parks here have shown a lamentable want of taste in this 34 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. matter, especially those of New York and Brooklyn ; Philadelphia and Boston have done better, but all of these are weak attempts when compared with the grounds of some of our private gentlemen, notable among whom are H. W. Sargent, of Peekskill, N. Y., and H. H. Hunnewell, of Boston. The grounds of Mr. H. are thrown open to the public, who have the opportunity of seeing effects in this style of planting, nearly equal to anything in Europe, entirely at the expense of the munificent owner. The carpet style, so called, con- sists in using plants that can be kept down to a few Fig. 10. — DESIGN FOB SCROLL-PATTEBN. inches above the level of the lawn. A great variety of succulent plants are used, such as Echeverias, Sedums, Mesembryanthemums, etc. , together with numerous low- growing Alpine plants, such as Ajugas, Cerastiums, Lys- imachias, Lobelias, Ivies, Alternantheras, etc., etc. This style of bedding requires an immense number of plants. One bed in the carpet style at Battersea Park, containing less than 1,000 square feet, required 4,000 plants to produce the desired effect in the design, and not a leaf of these was more than six inches above the lawn. Planting in this style admits of unlimited va- THE CARPET STYLE OF FLOWER-BEDS. 35 riety in the form of the beds, and contrasts of colors ; so great is the care exercised abroad in arranging the de- signs that colored papers, giving the exact tints of the leading flowers and colored foliage, are supplied by the dealers, in order that colored designs may be made and Fig. 11. —ORNAMENTAL DESIGN, AFTER THOMPSON. studied before putting them into execution ; a single misplaced color may spoil the effect of the whole. In works of this kind the parts of the design should be sep- arated by well defined portions of turf, as the color of each member of it is brought out more clearly and dis- tinctly, and the whole has a much better effect if a lib- eral amount of green is introduced. The two plans, figs. 10 and 11, are introduced to give an idea of some of the 36 GAEDENING FOE PLEASUEE. simpler designs ; the scroll-work, fig. 10, in various forms is much used, either near a drive, or as a margin or frame to more elaborate work. CHAPTER XL FALL, OR HOLLAND BULBS. These bulbs are mainly such as are imported from Hol- land in the fall, and consist of Hyacinths, Tulips, Cro- cuses, Jonquils, Narcissuses, Snow-drops, and various other less known kinds. With few exceptions, all these bulbs are hardy in our most northern states, though all are benefitted by a covering of two or three inches of rough litter or leaves spread over the beds before freezing weather. The soil best suited for all bulbs is a rich, but rather sandy loam. All these bulbs may be planted any time from the middle of September, until the ground is closed by frost in December. Hyacinths should be planted at distances of eight or ten inches apart each way, and from three to four inches deep. Tulips, the same distance apart, but a little less deep. Crocuses four inches apart and two inches deep. Jonquils and Narcis- suses may be planted six inches apart and four inches deep. Snow-drops the same as Crocuses. Very fine effects are produced by planting Hyacinths in lines each of one color, or when mixed colors are placed in the lines, care must be taken to have them arranged so that the bed will give harmonious blending of color. Crosuses have nearly the same range of color as the Hyacinth, and may be planted either way. All these bulbs are easily grown in pots. The Hya- cinth requires a pot six inches in depth and diameter ; in FALL, OR HOLLAND BULBS. 37 potting it is only necessary to fill the pot rather .loosely to the brim, and press the bulb down, so that only about one-fourth of it appears above the soil. The pot should then be struck smartly on the bench to give the soil the proper degree of firmness, leaving it, when fin- ished, about an inch or so below the rim of the pot. Then water freely to still further settle the soil. The pots should then be placed where it is cool and dark, which will encourage a strong development of roots, before the bud starts to grow at the top. Such a situa- tion can be made by covering up the pots with four or five inches of sand in a cool cellar, under the stage of a cool greenhouse, or in a sunken pit, in each case covering with sand or leaves, so as to exclude heat and frost, for it must not be forgotten that a strong development of root can only be had at a low temperature, say from forty to fifty degrees, and any attempt to force them to make roots quicker by placing them in a high temperature, will most certainly enfeeble the flower. If we will only observe how nature points out to us this necessity, we will see how safe it will be to follow her. In all hardy plants, the roots in spring, (when the temperature is low), form the rootlets before a leaf or flower is devel- oped. To show the bad effects when this is not the case, take a root of any of our hardy lilies and plant it in March, and take a similar bulb and plant it in May ; it will be found that the early planted bulb that had an opportunity to slowly develop its roots before there was heat enough to start the top, will give a finer growth and finer flower than the bulb that was planted in May, and run up into growth before it had an opportunity to sufficiently push its roots into the soil. The culture of all the bulbs before named, in pots, is the same as that of the Hyacinth, only the Narcissuses and Tulips should be planted three or four in a six or seven-inch pot, and Cro- cuses ten or twelve in a pot. All these bulbs may like- 38 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. wise be grown in moss, or even pure sand, provided that it is kept damp ; the necessity being a medium wherein the roots can revel in moisture. But whether potted in soil, sand, or moss, there will be no need to water, but at the time of potting, provided the pots have been cov- ered up as directed, and kept cool and dark. If potted say the first week in October, they may be removed from their dark quarters in seven or eight weeks, only before doing so, turn a few of them out of the pots to see whether they have rooted around the ball of earth. They may then be placed in full light and watered freely. HYACINTHS IN GLASSES. Although the Jonquils and Narcissuses can be grown in water in glasses as well as the Hyacinth, they are not often so treated, hyacinths being the only bulbs largely flowered in that way, some of which are shown in fig. 12. Bohemian. Fig. 12. — HYACINTH GLASSES. The glasses are made of various styles, from the plain old-fashioned Belgian to the ornamental Bohemian glasses, and of clear glass or colored, green, amber, claret, and other shades. The glasses, which are best of a dark color, are filled with water just high enough for the base of the bulb to touch it. The glasses must be placed in a cool and dark place, just such a situation PROPAGATION" OF PLANTS BY SEEDS. 39 as recommended for those grown in pots. Care must be taken that they do not freeze, else the glasses will be broken, and the Hyacinths more or less injured. Single Hyacinths are better than double ones for glasses. The water should be changed every six or eight days. CHAPTER XII. PROPAGATION OF PLANTS BT SEEDS. Nature provides abundantly for the reproduction of plants, and the difficulty of multiplying by one method is compensated by the ease with which it may be done in another. Whenever we find a plant takes root with difficulty from " slips" or cuttings, in nine cases out of ten we find that it seeds freely, and gives us a ready means of increase. Thus we find the much admired Centaureas, one kind of the " Dusty Millers," the white leaved plants now so much used in massing and for baskets, are exceedingly difficult and slow to root from cuttings, but are readily raised from seeds. Our fine strains of blotched Petunias are also troublesome as cut- tings, but make plants quickly from seeds. The Cycla- men with its turnip-like stem or bulb, could only be propagated by cutting in pieces, disfiguring its shape, and requiring years to form a circular bulb again, but here we have seed coming to our help which germinates freely, and makes a flowering plant in one year. The Apple Geranium never affords proper cuttings from which to make a plant, but it seeds freely, from which splendid plants can be produced in a few months. So the Pri- mulas and Cinerarias, both slow and uncertain from cut- tings, seed freely. Echeveria metallica, one of the beau- 40 GAKDENING FOK PLEASUHE. tiful plants of the House-Leek family, produces no bud from the base of the leaf, as nearly all the other species do, but to make up, it seeds abundantly, and so with hundreds of other plants to which our space will not per- mit us to refer. There is no rule by which we can des- ignate what plants are best propagated by seeds, and what by cuttings, experience being the only teacher, and even the experience of a lifetime is too short for those of us that have had the largest practice. Seedling plants can be nearly as well raised in the win- dow of a sitting-room or parlor, provided the tempera- ture is right, as in a greenhouse, for seeds do not need a strong direct light while germinating, in fact that is often a difficulty in a greenhouse, as the surface of the seed-bed dries up too quickly in the direct sunshine, ne- cessitating watering, which bakes the surface. The best thing wherein to sow seeds is shallow boxes ; these need not be more than two or three inches deep, with open seams at the bottom through which water will drain quickly. Fill the boxes within half an inch of the top with light rich earth ; if it can be procured, nothing is better than black leaf-mold from the woods, or light sandy soil mixed with an equal bulk of stable manure, so rotted as to resemble leaf -mold, it will not answer un- less rotted as fine as dust. In the absence of either of these, sweepings from a paved street are excellent, mixed with light sandy soil, the object in all cases being light- ness of the soil or mold in which the seed is to be sown ; for if tiny seeds, as many of our flower-seeds are, are embedded in a stiff soil, the germ in many of them is too weak to push its way to the light. When the proper soil has been secured, pat it down with a smooth board until it is as smooth and level as it well can be, then sow the seed carefully over the surface, distributing it evenly, then take a common kitchen sieve and sift just so much earth evenly over the seed as will cover it and no more : PROPAGATION OF PLAINTS BY SEEDS. 41 then take a watering-pot with the finest kind of a rose, and shower the earth with the spray. Keep the box at a temperature as near sixty degrees as possible, taking care to give it a shower of spray only when the surface appears to be dry ; but few seeds will fail to germinate under such conditions. But after the seeds have "brairded," as the Scotch gardeners say, comes another difficulty; in quite a number of plants, particularly if sown in the house, just as soon as the seed leaf has de- veloped, and before the first rough or true leaves have formed, the seedling is attacked by a minute fungus, that will often sweep off the whole crop in 48 hours, if not attended to. The required attention is, that as soon as there are indications of the " damping off" of these tiny seedlings, they must be carefully taken up and planted out in similar boxes, prepared exactly as the seed-boxes have been ; they may be planted quite closely, not more than half an inch apart, and let their further treatment be exactly the same as in germinating the seeds. In the course of a few weeks they will have grown freely, and they may then be lifted and placed in similar boxes, but wider apart, say three or four inches, or potted singly in two and a half or three-inch pots as most convenient, until such a time as they are to be planted out in the open ground, or to be used otherwise. In this way as great a number of plants may be raised from a 25c. or 50c. packet of seed as would cost $25 or $50 to purchase, be- sides the far greater satisfaction of their being the pro- ducts of your own hands. 42 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. CHAPTER XIII. PROPAGATION OF PLANTS BY CUTTINGS. There is no more interesting operation to the amateur gardener than that of increasing his stock of plants by cuttings or slips. Heretofore, it was accounted a great mystery, and unless with some of the commonest kinds of Geraniums, few amateurs ever presumed to invade the territory of the professional gardeners. Nearly all writers on the subject had so befogged this simple matter with technical nonsense, that few, not regularly brought up to the business, presumed to attempt it. We now consider it one of our simplest operations, far simpler than raising many kinds of plants from seed, and though we raise now over two millions of plants annually, and keep a man with three assistants doing nothing else the entire year but propagating plants from slips, yet we could take any careful, intelligent man from among our garden laborers, and install him as a competent propagator in a month. Where plants are propagated from cuttings in large numbers, we elevate a bench, usually four feet wide, above the flue or hot- water pipes, to within a foot or so of the glass at the front, and on this table or bench we place three or four inches of sand, of any color or tex- ture, provided it is not from the sea-shore, and contains salt. This bench is boarded down in front, so as to confine the heat from the flue or pipes under it, and give what is called " bottom heat " ; the sand on a bench so formed will indicate a temperature of perhaps seventy degrees, while the atmosphere of the greenhouse, particularly dur- ing the night, will be ten degrees less. Now, if the cut- tings are in the right condition, and are inserted an inch or so in this sand, freely watered, and shaded from the sun from 9 or 10 A.M. to 3 or 4 P.M., cuttings of nearly PROPAGATION OF PLANTS BY CUTTINGS. 43 all kinds of plants are certain to take root in from ten to twenty days. But the cuttings must be in the right condition, and this is best shown by the engraving, (fig. 13). It will be observed that the upper portion of the shoot is snapped or broken, while the other is only kneed or bent ; this snapping point, as we now term it, is a true indication of proper condition of the cutting ; where it bends and does not break, it is too hard, and though a Fig. 13.— PEOPER AND IMPROPER STATE OF CUTTING. cutting will root, when in that condition, it will be slower in doing so, and the roots thrown out from it will be weaker and more wiry than when emitted from a cutting taken in the condition in which it breaks. Be- sides the plant grown from the older cutting will not 44 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. likely be so healthy or vigorous as one made when the shoot is in the proper state. In propagating woody plants, such as Boses, Azaleas, or Camellias, this test of breaking or snapping of the cutting does not in these indicate the proper condition, although they also will root if taken in the soft state, yet we find it is not quite so well to do so as to wait until the cuttings of these woody plants gets harder ; what this proper hardness is, it is not very easy always to de- termine. In roses the best condition for taking the cutting is reached when the young shoot, (of which the cutting is made), develops the flower bud to about the size of a large pea. Although the shoot on which the flower bud shows, will make a proper enough cutting, yet if it is not desired to waste the flower, cuttings had better be made of the (( blind" shoots, i. e., such young shoots as do not flower. In making the cuttings of roses, or in fact of almost all plants, (with a few excep- tions hardly worth noting), there is no need to cut at a joint, although nine gardeners out of ten still do so, par- ticularly those who have learned the business in Europe, where, in this as in many other things in horticulture, they still follow the dictum of some savant of a century ago, never questioning why. But our business necessities here, have caused us to ride rough -shod over many of their set rules, and in none more ruthlessly than in this matter of propagating. But as this book is written mainly for amateurs in gardening, I will proceed to give a simple method by which any one can propagate plants from cuttings or slips, even when no greenhouse or hot- bed is at hand. It is called THE "MUD" OR "SAUCER SYSTEM" OF PROPAGATING. Take any common saucer or plate, into which put sand to the depth of an inch or so, then prepare the cut- tings in the usual manner, and insert them in the sand "MUD" on "SAUCER SYSTEM." 45 close enough to touch each other as in fig. 14. The sand is then to be watered to bring it to the condition of mud. The saucer with the cuttings is then placed on the shelf of the greenhouse, in the hot-bed, or in a sunny window of any room in the dwelling house ; in each case fully exposed to the sun and never shaded. But one condi- tion is essential to success — until the cuttings become rooted, the sand must be kept continually saturated with water and always in the condition of mud. To do this the saucers must be watered at least once a day with a very fine rose watering pot, and the watering must be done very gently, else the cuttings may be washed out. There is every probability that ninety per cent of all cuttings put in will take root, pro- vided they were in the proper condition, and the temperature has not been lower than 65 degrees nor above 100 degrees. By the saucer system a higher temperature may be main- tained without injury, as the cuttings are in reality placed in water, and will not wilt provided the water is not allowed to dry up. Still the detached slip, until rooted, will not endure a long continuation of 100 degrees, and we advise that propagation be done at such seasons that the cuttings, wherever they may be, will have as near as possible an average temperature of 75° or 80° in the sunlight. The cuttings will root (according to kinds and the tempera- ture), in from six to twenty days. Verbenas, Heliotropes, Fuchsias, etc. , root in a week, while Eoses, Carnations, or Azaleas, take two, three, or four weeks. When rooted they should be potted in light soil, (such as recommended in the article " Propagating of Plants by Seeds,") in pots from two to three inches in diameter, and treated care- fully by shading and watering for two or three days. To GARDENING FOE PLEASUEE. such as desire more extended information on the subject of propagating plants by cuttings, I would refer to my work, "Practical Floriculture." CHAPTER XIV. PROPAGATING BY LAYERING. Although florists now rarely resort to propagation by layering, yet now and then it may be desirable for ama- teurs to increase the number of some favorite plant dur- ing the summer season, where no other method of propa- gation can be practised. The only difference between a layer and a cutting is, that the cutting is entirely de- tached from the parent plant, while the layer remains partially connected with it. Although layering may be done with the ripened wood of vines or shrubs of the growth of the previous season, yet it is prefer- able to use the shoot of the present year in its half green state ; for ex- ample, a rose or flower- ing shrub is pruned in the usual way in spring; by midsummer it will have made strong shoots one, two, or three feet in length from or near the base of the plant. Take the shoot then in the left hand, (after having stripped it of its leaves for a few inches on each side of where it is to be cut), keep the fingers under the shoot, and make a cut on the upper part , Fig. 15.— PROPAGATING BY LAYERING. ABOUT GRAFTING AND BUDDING. 47 an inch or so in length, and to about half the thickness of the shoot, then slightly twist the "tongue" or cut part to one side, as shown in the engraving, fig. 15; hay- ing opened a shallow trench, fasten the branch down with a hooked peg, and cover with earth ; it is a good plan to place a flat stone over the layer to prevent the soil from drying out. This plan of cutting the shoot in layering is rarely shown in illustrations on the subject, the cuts usually being represented at the under side of the shoot. When cut at the lower side, the shoot can not be laid down without danger of breaking it. CHAPTEE XV. ABOUT GRAFTING AND BUDDING. It is often desirable to be able to bud or graft one variety of plant on another entirely different variety ; and it is an interesting fact to know that the bud taken from one plant and inserted so that it grows in another, and is entirely sustained by the plant into which it has been budded, in no way changes its character. This fact is so well known to gardeners that they rarely think it necessary to mention it in writing on the subject, and many amateurs interested in horticultural matters have very confused notions on budding. To illustrate: if a leaf bud is taken from a white Rose, and inserted in the stem of a red Rose, all the branches that proceed from this bud, leaves or flowers, will be identical with the white Rose from which it was taken. Or if a leaf bud of the red Rose be inserted in the white, the same result would follow ; it will be identical in all respects with the red variety. Or you may take a bud or graft from the 48 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. sourest crab apple, and insert it into a branch of the sweetest apple tree you can find, and the shoot which grows from the crab apple bud will ever remain a crab, and will in no way be affected by the sweet apple stock on which it is growing. Or if the operation is reversed, and the sweet apple is budded or grafted on the sour, the result will be the same ; its individuality will be in no way changed, it will be identical with the variety from which it was taken. Still further to illustrate this matter of budding or grafting, you may take a rose-bush having any number of shoots, it makes no difference whether one or a hun- dred ; on each shoot you may bud a distinct variety of Rose, of all the colors, forms or odors embraced in the Roses, and each one will hold its distinct characteristic of color, form, or fragrance, be it crimson, white, pink, or yellow in color, double or single in form, or of tea or other odor. Or you may take a young seedling apple tree, insert a bud of another into it, then after that bud has made a growth, bud still another variety into that, and so on as many as is desired, rub of all shoots in the stem that start below, and the variety last budded will hold its individuality unchanged, no matter though the life-sustaining sap flows through the cells of several dif- ferent kinds. You may mark the space occupied by each of the varieties, and cut back to any particular variety, and the fruit that will be produced by that part, which will then be the top, will hold its character without change. What is true of roses and apples, is of course equally true of whatever plant that can be grafted or budded. The stock does not in any manner affect the individu- ality of the graft, and I supposed that this was one of the generally accepted axioms of horticulture, but in a conversation not long ago with a gentleman whose opin- ion is entitled to consideration, I found him inclined to believe that there were some few exceptions to what was ABOUT GKAFTING AND BUDDING. 49 admitted to be a general law, and in support of his argu- ment, he referred me for exceptions to Darwin's " Plants and Animals under Domestication." I have examined this work, and find only two cases wherein it is claimed that the graft is influenced by the stock, or the stock by the graft. The llrst is at page 45 7, Vol. 1, where "Prof. Caspary describes the case of a six-year-old white Moss Eose, which sent up several suckers, one of which was thorny and destitute of moss, exactly like those of the Provence Kose, (R. centifolia), another shoot bore both kinds of flowers, and in addition longitudinally striped flowers. As this white moss had been grafted on the Provence Eose, Prof. Caspary attributes the above changes to the influence of the stock, but from the facts already given, and from others to be given, bud variation with reversion is probably sufficient explanation " ; and Dar- win proceeds to give nearly a dozen cases of like variation where there was no grafting at all. A very marked case of this "bud variation" is at the present time existing in my own greenhouses. In a bed of about one hun- dred plants of the new tea-rose, " La Nankin," all made from the cuttings from one parent plant, we have had four distinct varieties. The original flower or bud has its base or lower half of a nankeen yellow color, while its upper half is pure white, the separate colors being clearly defined, yet among our plants from cuttings we have some flowers that are entirely of the nankeen color, with- out white ; then again pure white with no nankeen, and on one shoot the flowers came of a light pink or blush shade. Now had Prof. Caspary a grafted plant of " La Nankin " playing these freaks, he no doubt would have concluded that it was the influence of the graft on the stock. There are other instances in grafting where an amalgamation of individualities apparently occurs ; these cases are familiar to all horticulturists of much experi- ence, and are also alluded to by Darwin in the work above 3 50 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. referred to. He gives a number of instances where the vari- egated Oleander grafted on the plain leaved variety as a stock, imparts the variegation to the stock, or where a yel- low-leaved ash tree, grafted on the common green-leaved variety, produced a blotched or variegated variety. That most of the variegation in the foliage of plants, is due to disease, or at least some disturbance of the regular func- tions of the leaf, there is but little doubt, and it is there- fore but an accidental condition of the individual. Where a variegated plant is budded or grafted upon a healthy subject, the disease is transmitted from the unhealthy bud or graft to the healthy stock in a manner somewhat analogous to innoculation of smallpox virus in man. The character or constitution of the individual is in no way affected in the one case more than in the other. Marked instances in which plain-leaved plants become variegated by being grafted with variegated cions, are afforded by the variegated Abutilons ; but in all such cases it is sim- ply the " blotching" or "disease" of the foliage that occurs, there is no change whatever in the coloring of the flowers or shape of the leaves, the individuality of these remains unchanged. That leaf variegation is indicative of disease, is manifest from another fact. It is quite a common thing to find a shoot sent out by the silver- leaved or variegated Geraniums that is pure white in stem and leaves, not a particle of green, or such golden varie- gated kinds of Geraniums as " Mrs. Pollock" will send out a pure yellow shoot ; but all efforts to make plants of such shoots will fail ; they may feebly root as cuttings, or they may be grafted on a green-leaved, healthy stock long enough to drag out a few weeks of existence, but the disease is here thoroughly established, and all attempts to propagate these entirely abnormal growths completely fail. It has been claimed that the Duchesse d'Angouleme and other pears are much better flavored when grafted on the quince than on the pear stock, and these are quoted HOW GRAFTING AND BUDDING AEE DONE. 51 as examples of the influence of the stock on the graft, but to me this seems capable of another explanation : We know that the pear stock is a vigorous and rampant grower as compared with the quince, and may it not be that this vigor of growth in the tree impairs the flavor of the fruit in some varieties, just as we find the flavor of fruits impaired when grown in too rich soil ? The effect of soil upon quality is particularly marked in melons. I remember that I once grew a field of three acres of nutmeg melons, one-half of the patch was rich bottom land, and the other portion was a rather poor hillside. The fruit produced on the bottom was much larger, but so different from and inferior in flavor to those on the hillside that no one would have recognized the two as being of the same variety. The same, though in a less marked degree, probably occurs in other fruits under similar conditions. From these reasons I believe it safe to assert that no evidence has yet been shown wherein the stock in any manner affects the graft other than that it may cause it to grow stronger or weaker, just as the stock is strong or weak, and the amount of such influence will be only such as a rich or poor soil would produce. In other words, the " stock" is only a medium or soil wherein the grafted individual grows, and affects it no more than if it drew its sustenance direct from the earth — strong, if on a strong stock, as on a fer- tile soil, and weak, if on a weak stock, as on a sterile soil. CHAPTER XVI. HOW GKAFTING AND BUDDING AKE DONE. After this discussion of general principles, let us come to the practice of grafting and budding. In what has been said, they have been used as synonyms, and their 52 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. object is precisely the same — to propagate a particular plant upon a rooted plant of another kind. Among fruits we do this because we cannot multiply choice vari- eties by seed or by cuttings ; stocks are raised from seed, which if allowed to grow and bear, might produce a poor and worthless fruit, o: it may be a good kind. To make matters sure, we graft a twig of a kind that we know upon a seedling about which we know nothing. With Camellias, the choice kinds cannot well be propagated from cuttings, but some of the commoner kinds will grow in this way, and the choice Camellias are grafted upon stocks obtained by rooting cuttings of the others ; so in various cases among fruits and flowers, budding or grafting af- fords the readiest, if not the only method, by which we can multiply certain varieties. A graft is a twig contain- ing one or more buds, and so inserted or planted in the stock that the new bark and new wood of the two shall be in close contact ; in budding, a single bud with no wood, or as little wood as possible, is inserted or planted below the bark of the stock and in direct contact with its new or sap-wood. While we give the two operations dif- ferent names, the French call budding simply a variety of grafting — shield-grafting. In a general way it may be stated that in grafting we use buds of a previous year, and in- sert them upon the stock where they are to grow the spring after they are formed, and as soon as vegetation starts, these buds commence to grow. In budding we use buds of the current season's growth ; the recently formed buds, near the end of the growing season, are planted in the stock where they unite, and remain dor- mant until spring, when the inserted bud pushes into growth at the time that the natural buds of the stock start. These statements apply only to out-door grafting and budding ; when these operations are performed under glass, the propagator has control of atmospheric condi- tions, and varies them to suit the subjects in hand. In GKAFTING. 53 out-door grafting, such as that upon fruit-trees, the cions are best if cut in the fall and preserved in sand or saw- dust in the cellar during the winter ; though with very hardy sorts this is not essential, they should be cut before any swelling of the buds takes place. The operation suc- ceeds best when the buds on the cion are perfectly dor- mant, and those on the stock have swollen and about to open. GRAFTING. The various methods of grafting are too many to describe here ; the simplest is the cleft graft ; the stock is sawed off and the end cleft or split for a few inches down through the center, (fig. 16) ; the cion, (or two if the stock is over an inch in diameter), with two or three buds, has its lower end smoothly cut to form a wedge a trifle thicker on one side than the other, (fig. 17) ; the cleft in the stock is pried open by means of an iron wedge or a wedge- shaped stick, and the cion or cions set with the thicker edge of the wedge outward, observing to bring the in- ner bark and new wood of stock and cion in as close contact as possible; the opening wedge being withdrawn, the spring of the stock will hold the cions in place, (fig. 18) ; the junction is to be covered with grafting wax, or waxed cloth, taking care to completely cover every wounded portion of both stock and cion. It is by this method that most of the grafting is done all over the country ; it is rude but very successful ; the ob- Fig. 16. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. CLEFT GRAFTING. 54 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. jection to it is that it leaves too great a wound to be closed over. For small stocks the whip-graft is generally used ; it is much easier to do it than to describe it ; stock and cion should be as near of a size as possible ; both are cut with a similar slope, and in each slope is cut a tongue asjn fig. 19 ; when the two slopes are put together, the / a Fig. 19. — WHIP GRAFT. Fig. 20. — SIDE GBAFT. two tongues are interlocked as in the engraving, taking care that the inner bark of stock and cion come in con- tact as completely as possible. In this illustration the parts are represented as tied with twine, to show the joint below, but in practice the whole is completely cov- ered with a band of waxed cloth. This, where practica- ble, is an excellent graft, there being no large wounds to . heal over, and the points of union are numerous. This graft is much used by nurserymen in root-grafting small apple and pear stocks. A very simple form called the side- graft is often employed by florists and nurserymen ; the GRAFTING. 55 cion is cut to a long wedge, and the stock has a down- ward cut made in its stem into which the cion is inserted as in fig. 20. In grafting the Camellia and other hard- wooded plants, a combination of the whip and side graft is made use of as shown in fig. 21. Grafting wax used to cover the wounds made in graft- ing may be purchased at the seed and implement stores, or the amateur can make it himself. It should be soft Fig. 21. — GRAFTING THE CAMELLIA. enough to be molded by the heat of the hand on a cool day, but not so soft as to run when exposed to the heat of the sun. It is essentially rosin and beeswax, with tal- low or linseed oil enough to make it sufficiently soft. A good formula is rosin 2 Ibs., beeswax T|4 lb., tallow 8|4 Ib. The better way for the amateur to use this is to melt the whole together thoroughly and then dip in it strips of well worn cloth, such as may be torn from a worn-out sheet or calico dress. These waxed strips will tear read- ily, and may be neatly fitted to the graft to make a com- 56 FOE PLEASUEE. plete covering; the fingers should be slightly greased when applying the waxed cloth. BUDDING The shoot or stock to be budded upon must be in a thrifty growing state, so that the bark can be raised freely from the wood, and the bud to be inserted must be in such a state that it shows prominently at the axil of the leaf. Select a smooth portion of the stem of the stock, strip it of leaves, sufficiently to allow room for the operation, then make a cut through the bark to the wood of an inch or so, with a cross cut at the top, as shown in fig. 23 ; it will be observed that the illustra- tion shows that a slight cut of the bark is made above the cross cut, this is done to allow the bud to slip in bet- Fig. 23. Fig. 23. Fig. 24. Fig. 25. ter- this custom we BUD. OUT. BUD IN. BUD TIED. t6r> tniS C think is not gener- al, but we find the operation is done quicker and better by its use. Then take the shoot from which the bud is to be cut, and selecting a properly developed bud, cut it from the shoot as shown in fig. 22 ; if the portion of the shoot from which the bud is taken is well ripened, it is best to separate the wood from the bark of the bud ; but if not it had better re- main on. Usually it is necessary to take the wood from buds on the lower part of the shoot, while the upper part being less ripened, those buds may be inserted with the wood remaining. The edges of the cut in the THE METHOD OP BUDDING. TREATMENT OF TROPICAL BULBS, SEEDS, ETC. 57 stock are lifted by the point of the knife or an ivory at- tachment to the budding-knife, the bud inserted and pushed down as in fig. 24 ; the portion of bark attached to the bud that projects above the horizontal cut in the stock is cut off, and the tie applied. This is usually bast matting, though cotton wick or other soft material will do. The engraving, fig. 25, shows where to place the tie, but when of bast it quite covers the wound and ex- cludes water and prevents drying. In two or three weeks after the bud has been inserted, it will be safe to remove the tying, and if the operation has been performed on a Kose in June, it will often make a considerable growth the same season, but it usually lies dormant until the next spring. All shoots upon the stock below the bud must be rubbed off, and when the bud that has been inserted starts to grow, the stem above it must also be cut back just above, so that the inserted bud which now becomes the plant, may get the full benefit of the root. CHAPTEK XVII. TREATMENT OF TROPICAL BULBS, SEEDS, ETC. Any information that can be given in an article short enough to be suitable for amateurs on a subject so ex- tended as this must be confined to a few well known and leading plants most valued for general cultivation. First may be placed the Tuberose, which in most northern states must be artificially forwarded to bloom in perfec- tion in the open air. The seasons are too short for the full development of the flowers in fall unless the bulbs are so forwarded. All that it is necessary to do is to place the dry bulbs in soil in pots or in boxes about May 58 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. 1st, (not before), keeping them rather dry until they start to grow freely, when more water may be given. Plant the bulbs thus started in the open border, the first week in June. The bulbs while being forwarded may be kept in any place where the thermometer ranges from about 65° to 75° at night. We usually piace them un- der or alongside the hot- water pipes in our greenhouses, covering them up with paper to keep the heat of the pipes from them. Light is not necessary until they have well started to grow. A greenhouse is not essential for starting them in, as a hot-bed, or even a warm sitting room, will do nearly as well. Any one wishing to have their Tuberoses "started" can do it themselves just as well as a florist can, and as the dry bulb costs less than half the price of the started one, and is mere safely transported by mail or otherwise, any one taking the trouble to do it will save expense and have the bulbs in better condition for planting. Some of my readers have seen or cultivated the bulbs known as fancy or spotted-leaved Caladiums. There are probably no plants that assume such varied and wonder- ful markings of the leaves as these, and when properly grown, they are among the most attractive plants at our horticultural fairs. The continued high temperature necessary for the healthy growth of the Tuberose, is equally indispensable for the Caladium. The bulbs we treat at first exactly in the same manner as the Tube- rose ; that is, they should not be started much before May 1st, and never should they be kept for any length of time in a less temperature than 65°. They are best started in small pots, and should be shifted into larger ones as soon as these get filled with roots. Started in May, and properly treated, they should be large enough by August or September to require a flower-pot twelve inches in diameter, and the plant should be, according to the variety, from two to three feet in diameter across the TREATMENT OF TROPICAL BULBS, SEEDS, ETC. 59 leaves. Caladiums require a partial shade, and if kept in a greenhouse during summer, the glass should be shaded, but the light of an ordinary sitting-room would be just about right ; so that even those who have not a greenhouse can grow these rather rare and beautiful plants with perfect ease. The only thing necessary if grown as a window plant, is to turn the pot around every few days so that each side may get a proper amount of light — a necessity with all plants grown in windows. The soil best suited for its growth is that known as sandy loam, to which should be added one-third rotted manure or leaf mold. The same time of starting and a similarly high tem- perature is required for Begonias of all kinds, Bouvardias, Cissus, Coleuses, Dracaenas, Euphorbias, Poinsettias, and all other plants known as " hot-house" or " tropical," and the same general treatment will in nearly all cases lead to satisfactory results. All of the plants or bulbs referred to will dwindle or die if long kept in a low tem- perature, and hence it is important that amateurs should remember that they ought not to attempt the cultivation of these plants unless they have the means of steadily keeping up the necessary high temperature. For that reason we recommend that they should not be started before May, as then they run less risk of being chilled. What is true of tropical bulbs or plants is equally so of tropical seeds. Those who have not had experience or who have not the means of keeping up the necessary high temperature, should not sow the seeds of tropical plants before April 1st. Of vegetable seeds, the best known of this class are the Tomato, Pepper, and Egg-plant. I know they are often started in March in hot-beds or greenhouses with satisfactory results, but let any one try the experiment of sowing on March 1st and on April 1st, and note the result in the earliness of the crops, from the two sowings, and he will find that the chances 60' GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. are that the last shall be first ; if it were always practi- cable to keep the necessary temperature steadily along, the first sown would be the first, but this is often very difficult to accomplish, while there is but little dif- ficulty with the later sowing, as assistance is then given by the increasing outside temperature. For this reason seeds of tropical annual flowers, such as Amaranths of all kinds, Balsams, Salvias, Double Portulacas, Cannas, Coxcombs, Zinnias, etc. , should not be sown before April in the hot-bed, or if in the open ground, in this latitude, not before May 15th. CHAPTER XVIII. THE POTTING OF PLANTS. This naturally follows the preceding chapter, and I will briefly state a few of the most important points ; first of all is soil, or potting mold, often rather a troublesome thing to get by those who have only a few dozen plants to repot. The soil used by us, and most florists, for nearly every plant we grow, is one combining freshness, richness, and what is called friableness of texture ; this condition we get by paring off the sod from the roadside, mixing it with one-third of well-rotted stable manure, and throwing it in heaps until it rots ; turning it over two or three times until the whole is well mixed ; if the plants are small, we run it through a fine sieve before using it ; if large, we use it rough, without sifting. But it may not always be convenient to get this material, and it is by no means indispensable to success ; leaf-mold from the woods, mixed with any fresh field loam, and a little rotted stable manure, will answer nearly as well ; THE POTTING OF PLANTS. 61 or city folks can get sweepings from the pavements, and these mixed in equal bulk with any good fresh soil, that from an old cultivated garden is not usually so good, will make a potting soil in which almost any plant will grow vigorously ; of late years we have used street sweep- ings largely in our potting soil, and like it very much. Now having the soil in proper condition, the next thing is the pots, which, if they are not new, should be thoroughly washed, so that the evaporation of moisture will take place freely through the porous sides. One of the most common errors among amateur cultivators is to put their plants in too large pots. If a plant such as a Kose or Geranium is lifted up out of the ground to be potted, it should be placed in a pot only large enough to allow an inch or so of soil to be placed below, and around its roots, — or to make it better understood, if the plants are, say a foot high, and a foot in diameter, they should be pruned back so that the diameter will not be more than 6 or 8 inches, and for such sized plants the pot should not be more than 6 inches wide and deep. The same rule applies to plants that have been grow- ing in pots ; if it is now in a pot three inches wide, a proper shift will be to one four or four and a half inches wide ; if in a five-inch, shift to six and a half or seven-inch, and so on. In taking a plant out of a pot to place it in another one, turn it upside down with the fingers of the left hand spread over the surface of the earth, or top of the ball ; with the right hand holding the pot by the bottom, give the rim a smart rap on the edge of a board, and the ball of earth enveloping the root will come out, just as a jelly will out of a mold. I am par- ticular in referring to this simple matter, knowing that it is no uncommon thing for ladies to break the pot with a hammer in their endeavors to get at the root, although they would hardly sacrifice a bowl to get at the jelly. In shifting, or repotting, place a little soil in the bottom 62 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. of the pot, then place in the ball of roots exactly in the center, which will leave a space of from half an inch to two or three inches between this and the sides of the pot, according to the size of plant to be shifted ; to pack this space between the side of the pot and the ball of roots with soil, it is better to use a flat stick with which to crowd it in moderately firm, filling up the pot to with- in an inch or so of the rim, this space being required to enable it to hold water. After potting, give a good watering with a sprinkler to settle the soil to the bottom of the pot, but after this be sparing of water until the plant shows signs of new growth, which will take place simultaneously with its making roots in the fresh soil. We use no potsherds or drainage of any sort in our pots, believing it to be perfectly useless to do so, the evapora- tion from the porous sides of the pot in our dry climate giving drainage enough. In the greenhouse we always spread an inch or so of sand on the bench or table upon which the plants stand ; this to some extent pre- vents the plants from being injured when watering has been too long neglected, as the pots and the soil imbibe moisture from the sand which is usually more or less wet. When the plants are placed on bare shelves, either in the sitting-room where they are well exposed to light, or in the greenhouse, watering should be done at least once a day, provided they are growing vigorously. CHAPTER XIX. WINTER FLOWERING PLANTS. The increase in the taste for winter-flowering plants, within the past five years, has been even more positive than that for the cultivation of plants out of doors, formerly it was rare for florists to fill an order in the fall, WINTER FLOWERING PLANTS. 63 but now, during the months of October, November, and December, they make shipments daily in large quantities to every section of the country ; and these nearly equaling in number those of plants for the open ground in May and June. The plants best suited for flowering in winter may be divided into two classes. First, those requiring a moderate temperature at night, say an average of 50 degrees. Whether the plants are grown in the parlor or sitting-room of a private dwelling, or in a greenhouse especially constructed for their cul- ture, the conditions should be as nearly as possible the same ; that is, uniformity of temperature ranging from 45° to 55°, and an avoidance of a dry atmosphere ; it is easy enough in the greenhouse to get a properly hu- mid atmosphere by sprinkling the paths with water ; but in a room in the dwelling house, the only thing that can be done is to place pans of water on the stove, fur- nace, or whatever may be the source of heat. If plants are kept in a sitting-room or parlor, an east, south-east, or south aspect should be chosen. Plants of the class that may be grown at an average temperature of 50 degrees, are Azaleas, Abutilons, Ageratums, Carnations, Cinerarias, Catalonian Jessamines, Cape Jessamines, Camellias, Callas, Chorizemas, Geraniums of all kinds, Hibiscus, Hyacinths, Myrsiphyllum, (Smilax), Maher- nias, Primulas, Stevias, Eoses, Violets, and the various kinds known as greenhouse plants, which, together with those above named, can be found fully described in the florists' catalogues. The second class, or hot-house plants, require an aver- age temperature of 60 degrees at night, the range of which, however, may occasionally run from 55° to 65° without injury. Of these we name the following : Be- gonias, Bouvardias, Clerodendrons, Euphorbias, Epiphyl- lums, Fuchsias, Heliotropes, Poinsettia, Roses, (these will do in either temperature), Tuberoses, etc. For de- 64 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. scriptions of varieties, reference may be made to the cat- alogues. The necessity for this difference in temperature is not absolute, as many plants will do partially well in either ; but we make this distinction as a guide to those having a choice of temperatures, in order that they may select the plants that are best adapted to the one at com- mand. In a greenhouse, particularly if heated by a flue, there is often a difference of five or ten degrees between one end and the other ; in such a case the plants named in the first class must be placed at the cool end, and those of the second class at the other. One of the most troublesome pests of plants grown in the greenhouse, or sitting-room, in winter, is the aphis, or " green fly/5 as it is termed ; we have no difficulty in getting rid of it in the greenhouse, when it is separate from the house ; all that is necessary is to get some to- bacco stems (such as are thrown out as refuse by cigar makers), and soak them in water for a minute or two ; about half a pound or so for a greenhouse 25 x 20 feet is placed over a small handful of shavings, only enough to light the dampened tobacco, as too many might injure the plants by smoke ; the burned tobacco stems give out a smoke that is quickly fatal to the "green fly." To thoroughly prevent the least appearance of this insect, the greenhouse must be fumigated every four or five days. We fumigate all our greenhouses twice each week during the entire year ; our rule being that an aphis must never be seen upon any plant in the houses. If the greenhouse is attached to the dwelling, so that the tobacco smoke would find its way into the rooms, recourse may be had to another remedy ; take these same waste tobacco stems and steep them in water until the liquid is of the color of strong tea, with this water syringe the plants freely twice a week, this will not only effectually destroy the green fly, but will keep in check most other insects that infest plants. Where only a few plants are kept in WINTER FLOWERING PLANTS. 65 rooms, the easiest way is to dip the plants entirely in the tobacco water, moving them up and down in the liquid, to wash the insects off if they have a firm hold. The "red spider" is another pest to winter blooming plants, and wherever it is seen you may be cer- tain that the atmosphere has been too dry, and very likely the temperature too hot, as it is rarely found in a cool, damp atmosphere. The treatment for this insect in the greenhouse is copious syringings with water, but where but a few plants are grown in the house, it is best to go over the leaves, especially on the under side, with a wet sponge. The red spider is so minute that it is hardly distinguishable by the naked eye, but its destruc- tive effects are quickly perceivable, as the leaves upon which it works soon become brown, and if the leaves are closely examined, particularly the underside, the minute insect will be seen in great numbers. Another troublesome insect among plants that are grown in a high temperature is the " mealy bug." The insect is flat, of whitish brown, usually nestling at the axils of the leaves, where it is covered with a white pow- der, making it easily distinguishable ; this is one of the most annoying of all insects that attack plants, as noth- ing seems to kill it, unless the remedy is strong enough to injure the plants ; so that rubbing it off with a small brush is the only safe remedy that we would care to recommend to amateurs. We find alcohol thrown on by what is called an " atomizer," sold by druggists for be- dewing with perfumes, to be very effective in destroy- ing the "mealy bug," as the alcohol reaches to every part of the plant, but we also find that some plants when in very soft growth are injured by even this light appli- cation of alcohol. Another pest, not an insect, but a vegetable parasitic growth known as mildew, affects but few plants in-doors except the rose, still as it is most in- jurious to those, we give the most effectual remedy for 66 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. destroying mildew on roses either outside or under cover. Boil one Ib. of lime and one Ib. of sulphur in two gal- lons of water, until it is reduced to one gallon ; allow the liquid to settle until clear, and bottle it for use ; one gill only, no more, of this liquid, is mixed in five gallons of water, and this syringed thoroughly over the rose plants in the evening. If in the house, so that syringing cannot be done, dip the plants in it as recommended for the tobacco water. As with most other remedies, we pre- fer to use this lime and sulphur mixture as a preventive rather than as a cure, and we apply it to our roses at least once a week, even though there is no appearance of mildew. In proportion as plants are kept free from in- sects and mildew, so will be their vigor and their thrifti- ness. For more complete information see special chapter on insects and mildew. I may here warn the amateur against the too common practice of placing plants in too large pots. As a gen- eral thing, when plants are received from the florists, they are sent without pots, and are usually in a condition requiring them to be shifted into a pot larger than they had been growing in; for example, if they have been grown in a pot of 3 inches diameter, place them in one a size larger, or 4 inches in diameter ; if they were in 4- inch pots give them one 5 or 6 inches across, and so on. Though we entirely ignore the use of crocks, or drainage in pots in our own practice, where we have always the proper sizes to use in potting, yet in cases where a suita- ble sized pot is not on hand into which to shift, (for ex- ample, if a plant that has been grown in a pot of 3 inches diameter, must be put in one of 6 inches), then by all means fill up one-third of this too large pot with broken pots, charcoal, or some such material to drain off the surplus moisture that would otherwise be injurious, in consequence of the pot being too large for the plant ; but if the pot into which it is shifted is UNHEALTHY PLANTS — THE KEMEDY. 67 properly adjusted to the wants of the plant, the putting in of crocks for drainage is worse than useless, I care not what the plant may be. Our greenhouse establishment now covers nearly two acres, yet not a pot is so " drained." The need of a larger pot is shown by the earth becoming so filled with roots that they well cover the outside of the ball, but shifting into a larger pot should be done while the roots are yet white ; if left until the roots get thor- oughly matted, brown, and hard, it is too late, and the future growth will be seriously retarded. If the plant has been allowed to reach this condition, which we call "pot bound," it is best to lay the ball of roots on one hand and slap it smartly so as to loosen it ; by this treatment the new fibres strike out more read- ily from the hard roots than if left with the ball still compact. After shifting a plant, give it one good water- ing, so that the soil will be thoroughly soaked to the bot- tom of the pot ; but after that, keep rather dry until there are indications of new growth. For manner of pot- ting, see chapter on "The Potting of Plants." We are often asked as to the use of guano and other fertilizers on in-door plants. As a general thing we use none in our own practice, preferring to shift the plants into fresh soil at the proper time, rather than to do so, and we would advise the same to our friends of less experience, for the use of all such stimulants is, under certain conditions of the plants, dangerous in unpracticed hands. CHAPTER XX. UNHEALTHY PLANTS— THE REMEDT. Whenever plants begin to drop their leaves, it is cer- tain that their health has been injured ; this may be due to over-potting, over-watering, over-heating, too much cold, 68 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. or the application of such stimulants as guano, or to some other cause which has destroyed the fine rootlets by which the plant feeds, and induced disease that may lead to death. The case is not usually important enough to call in a " plant doctor," so the amateur begins to treat the patient, and the practice is in all probability not unlike that of many of our household physicians who apply a remedy that increases the disease. Having already de- stroyed the, so to speak, nutritive organs of the plant, the stomach is gorged with food by applying water, or with medicine, by applying guano or some patent " plant food." Now the remedy is nearly akin to what is a good one when the animal digestion is deranged — give it no more food until it re-acts. We must then, if the roots of the plant have been injured from any of the above named causes, let the soil in which it is potted become nearly dry ; then remove the plant from the pot, take the ball of soil in which the roots have been enveloped, and crush it between the hands just enough to allow all the sour outer crust of the ball of earth to be shaken off ; then re-pot in rather dry soil, (composed of any fresh soil mixed with equal bulk of leaf-mold or street sweep- ings), using a new flower-pot, or the old one, thor- oughly washing it, so that the moisture can freely evap- orate through the pores. Be careful not to over-feed the sick plant. Let the pot be only large enough to admit of not more than an inch of soil between the pot and ball of roots. After re-potting, give it water enough to set- tle the soil, and do not apply any more until the plant has begun to grow, unless indeed the atmosphere is so dry that the moisture has entirely evaporated from the soil, then of course water must be given, or the patient may die from the opposite cause — starvation. The dan- ger to be avoided is in all probability that which brought on the sickness, namely : saturation of the soil by too much water. Other causes may induce sickness in PLANTS SUITED FOE SUMMER DECORATION. 69 plants, such as an escape of gas in the apartment, or smoke from a flue in the greenhouse, but in all cases, when the leaves fall from a plant, withhold water, and if there is reason to believe that the soil has been poi- soned by gas, or soddened with moisture, shake it from the roots as before advised, and re-pot in a fresh flower- pot. Many years ago, when I used smoke-flues in my greenhouses, some kindling wood, carelessly thrown on the top of one of them, ignited, and the smoke caused the leaves of every plant to drop. There were some 3,000 plants, mostly Tea-Eoses, in the greenhouse ; it would have been too much of a job to re-pot all, but by with- holding water for some ten days, they started a new growth again, and very few plants were injured. CHAPTER XXL PLANTS SUITED FOR SUMMER DECORATION. Quite a number of winter-blooming plants can also be used for flowering in the open borders in summer. Among these are Carnations, Heliotropes, Fuchsias, Ge- raniums, and particularly the monthly varieties of Roses. Also the following, not strictly winter-flowering, are such as will give a continuous bloom during the whole season, from June until October or November. Antirrhinums, (raised either from seeds or cuttings), Dwarf Dahlias, Erythrina or Coral Plant, Gladiolus, Geraniums of all kinds, particularly the class known as " Zonal," double and single, Lantanas, Lobelias, (seeds or cuttings), Petu- nias, single, (seeds or cuttings), Petunias, double ; Pan- sies, (seeds only) ; Pentstemons, Passion-flowers, Ronde- letias, Salvias, (seeds or cuttings) ; Tropasolums, (seeds or 70 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. cuttings) ; Verbenas, (seeds or cuttings) ; Veronicas. All of the above have their principal attraction in their flowers. The following are only useful for the brilliant color- ing or other peculiarities of foliage. Alternantheras, Achyranthes, Artemisias, Cerastium, Centaureas, (seeds or cuttings) ; Caladiums, Coleus, Cinerarias, (seeds or cuttings); Dracaenas, Echeverias, Geraniums, (silver, gold, or bronze) ; variegated Ivies ; Lysimachia, variegated Grasses ; Peristrophe, Sanchezia nobilis, Vinca major, etc., etc. For descriptions see florists' catalogues. All of the above can be raised from slips or cuttings taken from plants, (or by seeds where noted), during the win- ter or early spring months — January, February, March, or April, either from plants that have been kept for flowering in winter, or from large plants that have been preserved for the purpose of propagation ; the young plants raised from slips are in nearly every instance preferable to the old plants. Our practice is, to grow the old, or "stock" plants, simply to make cuttings, until we get enough from them, and then to throw the old plant away, reserving the young ones only for sell- ing, or for our own planting in the open borders. Cuttings are rooted in the way described in the chapter on " Propagation of Plants by Cuttings," or if by seeds, as in chapter on "Propagation by Seeds." The young plants should first be potted in 2-inch pots, and if early in the season, they will require to be shifted into 3-inch pots before it is time to plant them out in the open ground, which it is not safe to do in this latitude until the middle of May ; nor in any other latitude before the time when tomatoes or egg plants can safely be planted out. Nothing is more satisfactory to the lover of flowers than raising his own plants, no matter how able he may be to purchase. Those of his own raising, whether for his own use or to present to his friends, are always more val- uable than anything that money can buy. One of the PLANTS SUITED FOR SUMMER DECORATION. 71 most common mistakes made by purchasers of plants in our city markets, is that of almost invariably choosing large plants, forced into flower ; such plants are usually grown under a high temperature to get them in bloom early, and many a housewife has found that the beautiful full blooming plant of a Rose, Fuchsia, or Pelargonium, which she so tenderly carried home, will in 48 hours drop its flowers and leaves in the cooler and drier atmosphere of her greenhouse, parlor, or garden. But the florist is hardly to blame for this, though I know he is often se- verely censured ; not one in a score of those who pur- chase plants in spring will buy any plant unless it is in bloom ; the florist grows plants to sell, and must suit the wants of his customer. This partial divergence from the subject in hand, is to show that the small slips or cut- tings that the amateur may raise himself, are in most in- stances better than full-blown forced plants, costing 50c. or $1 each. This is particularly so with monthly Roses, Verbenas, and Petunias ; young plants of these, set out in May, if not more than 3 or 6 inches high, will grow and bloom in profusion the entire summer, while those which have been forced, if they recover at all, wil) be greatly inferior. We plant our young Roses in May, usually in beds 4 feet wide, setting the plants 12 inches apart each way ; they begin to bloom by the middle of June, and con- tinue without interruption until checked by frost in the fall ; and so with most other kinds here named ; nearly all of which are from young plants, propagated during the winter and spring months. The product of cuttings or slips from a " stock" plant varies greatly according to the kind. A good healthy plant of Fuchsia, say 18 inches high, will easily give 40 cuttings ; while a Rose or Gera- nium of the same size will not afford half that number. A fair average for medium sized plants of those named would be 10 cuttings or slips to each plant, so that start- 72 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. ing with 100 plants in the fall, by May 1,000 would be no unreasonable, increase to expect ; or in that ratio be the number more or less. If large quantities of plants are wanted for summer dec- oration by those who have neglected to propagate them, or did not wish to do so, they should purchase young plants in March or April, at which time the florists, to make room in their houses, sell them at very low rates, usually not more than one-fourth of the price that the same plants forced into bloom in May would cost. Such plants at that season are grown mainly in 2 and 3-inch pots ; if taken from these pots, say by 1st of April, and kept in any cool room or greenhouse, where the temperature will average 45° or 50° at night, by the time of setting out in May they will have formed far better plants than those pushed rapidly into flower in May. Or in other words, $10 expended in March or April, will buy one hundred plants, which, if cared for as above described, will by the middle of May be of more value than the plants $50 would buy at that date from the same florist. CHAPTER XXII. HANGING BASKETS. Baskets in which to grow plants are now made in a great variety of styles, and of different materials. What are known as "rustic" baskets, (fig. 26), are made with the receptacle for the earth covered mostly with laurel roots, which assume an endless variety of grotesque shapes, well fitted for giving a rustic appearance to the outer covering of the hanging basket. Then there are the different forms of wire baskets, (fig. 27), which, when used, are lined with HANGING BASKETS. 73 moss, and being thus very open, and allowing of com- plete drainage, are best suited of all for the well being of the plants. A recent invention is the "Balloon "hanging basket, (fig. 28), the trellis part of which is formed of strips of steel; some are so arranged as to hold a common flower-pot. Many beautiful forms are made from pottery ware, colored so as to imitate stumps of wood and other objects. Thousands of these baskets are used in some of their differ- ent forms, and many grow their plants in no other way, as plants are not only more easily managed in these, but many varieties so cultivated make a more graceful growth than is possible when they are in pots. In hanging baskets, the fall, or Dutch bulbs, of all kinds, can be grown, giving them exactly the treatment recommend- ed for growing in pots on page 36. When hanging baskets are hung on the veranda or porch in sum- mer, a great quantity of water is usually required, as the dry air surrounding the basket on all sides generally drys up the soil. The simplest way of watering them when dry, in summer, is to immerse the basket in a 4 RUSTIC HANGING BASKET. Fis- 27- WIKE BASKET. 28.— BALLOON FBAMH. 74 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. pail or tub of water, so that the earth is thoroughly soaked through ; how often this immerson will be necessary will depend on the weather, the condition of the plants and the quantity of earth. If the bowl of the basket is full of roots, and the weather hot and dry, then once each day may be necessary ; while if the weather is damp and cool, it might not require watering more than once a week. The rule with these as with all plants is — never water unless they are dry, and then water thoroughly. Just what this condition of being " dry" is, is not quite so easy to describe ; as a rule most soils when dry become lighter in color and crumble freely between the fingers, and are free from the putty-like consistency they have when wet. The bowls of "rustic" and "Terra Gotta" forms of hanging baskets are usually without any holes for drainage ; when such is the case, the purchaser should have a few holes, say one-fourth inch in diameter, made in the bottom of the bowl, else there is dan- ger that the earth around the roots may become satura- ted with water, unless unusual care is taken in watering. There is great diversity of taste displayed in the material with which these baskets are filled, and no special list of plants can be given that will not require to be annually changed and amended as new plants are introduced. When hanging baskets are wanted for use in shady rooms, or on shaded verandas, mosses, (selaginellas), are used, and sometimes exclusively. Then for the same condi- tions, Ivies of all sorts, Cissus, Tradescantias, Sedums or Stone Crops, Fittonias, Lysimachia or Moneywort, Vin- cas, Ivy-leaved Geraniums, Smilax, etc., as plants to droop over the sides, or to be trained to climb on the trellis work or supports of the basket, while in the center there are used upright plants, such as Dracaenas of sorts, Caladiums, (if for summer), Marantas, Centaureas, Echeverias, Ferns, Sanchezia nobilis, and other plants of striking form or foliage. For baskets to be placed in the WINDOW GARDENING. 75 sun, or in good light, an entirely different class of plants is needed, for with the light we get flowers. As drooping plants for the edges of these, may be named Alternan- theras, Peristrophe angustifolia var., Lobelias, Tropseo- lums, Mesembryanthemums, Petunias, single and double ; Passifloras, Kondeletias, Torrenias, etc., while for up- right or center plants, Achyranthes, Coleus, Begonias, Geraniums, Zonal, double, single, and variegated leaved, or any plant of not too large a growth, and which has brightness of foliage or flower. If hanging baskets are exposed to the full rays of the sun, or even partially so, covering the surface of the soil with moss from the woods will protect it from drying too quickly, and will also give the basket a neater appearance. The soil used for hang- ing baskets need in no way differ from that for plants grown in pots. CHAPTER XXIII. WINDOW GARDENING. "Window gardening during the summer months is much more successful in England than with us, owing to a more temperate climate, and hence is there al- most universally practised. In the cities especially, where space is economized by placing story upon story, and the buildings are so close that there is often no room for even a spear of grass to be grown, the only garden that is possible is one formed in a box on the win- dow-sill; this is limited in its extent, as the space afford- ed is only some 4 or 5 feet in length, from 8 to 10 inches wide, with a depth for the soil of about 6 inches. These boxes, are made of a great variety of materials, such as wood, terra cotta, iron, etc., according to the 76 GAEDENING FOE PLEASUEE. taste or means of the owner. As the hoxes are usually too high up to allow of a close examination, and the sides soon become draped with dropping plants, an ordinary box of pine, as in fig. 29, will answer as well as a more expensive one; as it is exposed to the weather, and the weight of the earth is considerable, it should be put to- Fig. 29. — PLAIN WINDOW-BOX. gether very firmly. Having procured the box, then let a tinsmith make a lining or box of zinc that will exactly fit inside of it ; this needs only a few tacks at the upper edge to hold the zinc to the wood. A more expensive box, (fig. 30), is made of wood, lined with zinc, and the exterior covered with ornamental tiles, which are kept in place by a proper molding at the margins. A box of this kind may be covered with floor oil-cloth, and if a proper pattern be selected, it cannot at a few yards off be told from the much more costly tiles. Many of the streets Fig. 30. — WINDOW-BOX ORNAMENTED WITH TILES. of London and Edinburgh, during the summer months, present a pleasing appearance, that cannot fail to inter- est even those who have no taste for flowers. The plants , used are mainly such as we recommend for hanging bas- kets, those designated for shady positions being used on the shady sides of the streets, and those for flowering on the sunny sides. These window gardens in summer produce PARLOR GARDENING. 77 the finest effect when planted with some drooping spe- cies. For our climate, during the summer months, when exposed to full sun, strong, vigorous-growing plants must be selected, such as Tropseolums, Petunias, Passifloras, etc. While for the same position, the upright plants may be double and single Geraniums, Heliotropes, Mignonnette, and the like. For window boxes on the shady side, use the plants recommended for hanging baskets in shade. The soil may be such as is used for pots. Wa- tering must be given as recommended for hanging bas- kets, only in the case of the window box it would not be practicable to immerse it, nor is there the same necessity for doing so, as the box is less exposed than the hanging basket, which is suspended and surrounded by drying air upon all sides. These remarks refer to window gar- dening outside of the windows, or on the outer sill. If the boxes are placed inside in winter, which they may be, the treatment recommended in chapter on " Winter Flowering Plants," will be applicable. CHAPTER XXIV. PARLOR GARDENING, OR THE CULTIVATION OF PLANTS IN ROOMS. Parlor Gardening has to some extent been treated of under the head of winter flowering plants, but a few ad- ditional general directions for plants not specially de- signed for winter flowering, may be acceptable. One of the first conditions essential to success is to start with healthy plants. Even all the professional skill of the florist, with all his appliances, will often fail to get a sickly plant into a healthy condition. What then can 78 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. the amateur florist expect to do in the often unequal temperature and dry atmosphere of a sitting room or parlor ? If the plants are purchased from the florist in au- tumn, to grow in the house, they are likely to be healthy, and are usually in a condition to shift into a pot one size larger ; instructions for doing this are given in the chap- ter on "Winter Flowering Plants." But if the plants to be cultivated in the house are such as have been growing in your own flower borders, plants that were set out in spring, and have now the full summer's luxuriant growth still on them, then proper precaution must be taken in lifting them and placing them in pots, or the result is certain to be most unsatisfactory. "What may seem to the novice a little singular, is, that the more luxuriant the growth of the plant in the open border, the more danger there is that it will wilt or die when lifted in the fall, and placed in a pot. The reason of this is obvious, when it is known that just in proportion to the top growth of a plant is the wide-spread development of roots, and there- fore when you lift a finely-grown Geranium or Rose in October, it is next to impossible, if it is to be got into a suitable sized flower-pot, to do so without such mutila- tion of the young roots as will certainly kill it, if precau- tion is not taken to cut off at least two-thirds of its branches. If the plant is thus potted and kept as dry as it will stand without actually withering, until it starts growth, you may hope to have a fairly healthy specimen by December, if the lifting was done in October. But this practice, though often one of necessity, is never sat- isfactory. If the plants that have done service in the borders in summer are to be used as ornaments for the parlor in fall, winter, and spring, they must have a dif- ferent treatment. All plants that are intended for future culture in rooms, should be potted in the usual way, into 5 or 6-inch pots, when set out in May or June ; these pots should be set in the flower borders, but planted PARLOR GARDENING. 79 or " plunged," as it is called, so that the rim of the pot is level with the surface of the ground. The plants will flower if so desired, in these pots, nearly as well as if set directly in the open ground, but if wanted for flowering in winter, they will bloom much better to have the flow- er-buds picked off as fall approaches. It is also indispensa- bly necessary that the hole in the bottom of the pot be entirely stopped, so that the roots cannot get through. The object being to confine the roots completely within the bounds of the pot, so that when taken up in the fall to be shifted into a larger pot, the roots will be undis- turbed, and the plant will grow on unchecked. If this is not done, and the roots find their way through the bottom of the pot, there will be the same difficulty with the roots as if they had not been potted. About the best time to take plants in-doors in this climate is the middle of October ; in colder localities, earlier, of course, and in warmer, later ; always bearing in mind that the longer they can be kept in the open air, provided they are safe from frost, the better. Plants suited for parlor culture, requiring a temperature of from 40° to 50° at night, with an average of 10° or 20° higher during the day are as follows. These are known as greenhouse plants. For descriptions see catalogues of florists and nurserymen. Acacias, Cupheas, Azaleas, Daphnes, *Agapathus, *Echeverias, *Alternantheras, Ferns, Greenhouse, *Agaves, Feverfews, *Abutilons, *Fuchsias, *Achyranthes, Geraniums— Pelargoniums, Ageratums, Hoyas, (wax plant), *Callas, Holland Bulbs of all kinds, Calceolarias, *Jessamines — Catalonian, Chorizema, Jessamines— Cape, Cinerarias, Ivies— parlor and hardy, *Carnations, *Ixoras, Cyclamen, Lily of the Valley, Camellias, Lobelias, 80 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. *Mesembryanthemums, (wax pink), *Primulas, double and single, Mahernias, *Roses, Mimulus — Musk, *Scutellarias, *Myrsiphyllum, or Smilax, Veronicas, Oranges, Vincas, Oleanders, Violets, Petunias, Yuccas. Pinks, What are known as hot-house, or tropical plants, re- quire a higher temperature than the proceeding, and cannot be well grown unless with a night temperature of from 60° to 70°, and a day temperature of from 10° to 20° higher. The following, of most of which there are several varieties, can be found described in the cata- logues of dealers : Allamandas, Ferns, tropical, Allocasias, Heliotropes, Begonias, Hibiscus, Bouvardias, Marantas, Caladiums, Orchids, (of some kinds), Cissus, Passifloras, Clerodendrons, Peperomias, Cobaeas, Poinsettia, Crotons, Salvias, Coleus, Sanchezias, Dracaenas, Torenias, Euphorbias, Tropaeolums, Epiphyllums— Cactus, Tuberoses. Eranthemums, This matter of temperature has everything to do with the successful cultivation of plants in rooms, or in fact anywhere. If you attempt, for example, to grow Bou- vardias or Begonias in an average temperature of 45° at night, the plants will barely live, and will not flower, nor be healthy. On the other hand, if you subject your Camellias or Geraniums to an average of 65° at night by fire heat in winter, you are almost certain to have the flowers drop prematurely. As a rule, there are more of the plants known as greenhouse that will endure the PARLOR GARDENING. 81 high temperature necessary for the hot-house plants, than there are of the hot-house plants that can stand the low temperature, so when no distinction can be made, and a high temperature only can be had, all in the list of greenhouse plants I have marked with a * may be grown fairly in the high temperature, though they would do better in the low one. The culture of plants in rooms is already described in the chapter on " Winter Flowering Plants," so that I need not further allude to it, except to hint in regard to the man- ner of placing the plants. One of the cheapest and neat- est contrivances is the "fold- ing plant stand," (fig. 31). The sizes are from 3 to 6 feet wide, and 8 feet high, having from 4 to 6 shelves, and cap- able of holding from 25 to 100 plants. It is hinged so , , - T-, ,., , T Fig. 31.— FOLDING PLANT STAND. as to fold up like a camp stool, the shelves fitting in between the frames, and can be thus shipped or stowed away when not wanted, with great con- venience. Boilers can be attached to the feet, so that it may be moved about as easily as a table. Plants, when placed on this, or similar stands, may be provided with saucers, so that the floor or carpet need not be injured while water- ing. It is not a good plan, however, to keep water in the saucers. It is always a safer way of feeding the plant to water the soil on the top, giving only enough for it to reach the bottom, where, if any water pass through, it will be held by the saucer. If no saucers are used, and we think plants are generally grown more safely without them, the best plan is, to take down the plants from the stand, (three times a week will usually be enough), to some place where the water will not do any injury, and give all such as appear to be dry, a good 82 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. soaking ; those not so dry, water more sparingly, and give those in which the soil shows that it is wet, none what- ever. Let the water drain off, pick off any dead leaves, and replace the pots again on the stand, being careful to change them as far as possible, so that each side of the plant may get its fair share of light ; if the same part is always placed to the light, the plant will soon become drawn to one side. CHAPTEE XXV. WARD1AN CASES, FERNERIES, AND JARDINIERES. The forms of plant cases for the growth of such -plants as require a moist, still atmosphere, a condition impossi- ble to obtain in a room in a dwelling-house, nor even in a greenhouse, unless it is specially erected for the purpose, are numer- ous. The form commonly known as the Wardian Case, (fig. 32), has a base or tray usually of black wal- nut, about 6 inches deep, and lined with zinc, and glass sides and top ; these differ in size, some being as large as 3 feet on the sides. Another neat and cheaper form is made of Terra Cotta, (fig. 33), or other earthen ware ; these are usually round in shape, and of various Fi^ ^S.-WABDIAN CASK. sizes, from 9 to 18 inches in diameter. In all these the plants must be covered with glass ; in the Wardian Case there is glass all around the sides and top, the top being hinged to allow the escape of excess of moisture. In the Jardinieres, or circular form, the plants are covered by a WARDIAN CASES, FERNERIES, AND JARDINIERES. 83 bell-glass which is tilted up a little at the side, when there is an appearance of excess of moisture. This con- dition of excess is known by the glass becoming dimmed by moisture, and the water trickling down the side. Usually when this appearance is seen, by raising the glass lid of the Wardian Case an inch or so for a day, it will relieve it enough to enable it to be kept close, which is the proper way to keep it for the well being of the plants. The plants grown in this way are of kinds valued for their beauty of foliage, rather than for their flowers, and should be such as are rather of a slow growth ; all rampant growing plants, SUCh as Co- leus, are unsuited. The effectiveness of these cases depend a great deal on the arrangement of the plants ; the tallest and most conspic- uous things should be in the center, with smaller ones towards the edges, varying the interest by contrasting the different colorings and forms of leaves. Among the plants best suited for growing under these glass coverings, are Dracaenas, Gymnostachyums, Marantas, Caladiums, some of the ornamental leaved Eranthemurns, and dwarf growing Begonias, Peperomias, etc. , and Ferns and Lyco- pods of the finer sorts. The most of these are plants whose natural habitat is shady woods or marshes ; and for their well being, the nearest that the Wardian Case or Jardiniere can be made to imitate such, the better. The soil used in these cases should be light and porous. The most convenient, and a very suitable material, is the leaf-mold, which can be got in any piece of woodland. After planting, the soil should be watered freely, so that WTH GLASS SHADE. 84 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. it is settled around the roots. And to allow evaporation, ventilation should be given for a few days after the water- ing, when the glass may be put down close, only to be opened as before directed, when an excess of moisture shows on the glass. Other than this there is no trouble whatever in the management ; the watering given on planting will be sufficient to keep it moist enough for 6 or 8 weeks. In winter the temperature of the room in which the Wardian case or fernery is kept may run from 50° to 70° at night. These closed cases of either kind may be used for growing Hyacinths in winter if de- sired, for which they are particularly well adapted ; only, that when brought into the room to flower, the cases will require daily ventilation. After planting the Hyacinths in the cases, however, it must not be forgot- ten that they must be kept in a cool, dark place, until they root, just as when they are grown in pots, or glasses. For further instructions on this head see Hyacinths. Lily of the Valley can also be grown finely in a Wardian case ; but as it requires some special treatment, we give it in a separate chapter. CHAPTER XXVI. WINTER FORCING THE LILY OF THE VALLEY. Within the past three years the fashion for the flowers of Lily of the Valley has increased to such an extent, that though the importation of roots has probably trebled each year, the price of the flower is still quite as high as when the forcing first begun. The failures which attend the winter flowering of this plant are mainly owing to the use of improperly developed roots. As with other WINTER FORCING THE LILY OF THE VALLEY. 85 similar plants, a certain size or development of the crown, or underground bud, is essential to produce the flower. What that size should be, is not, even with the most ex- perienced, always easy to determine. In the Tuberose, the Japan, and some other Lilies, we find that bulbs that are less than an inch in diameter, are not certain to Fig. 34. — LILY OP THE VALLEY BUD— GOOD. flower. The crown, or "pip," as florists sometimes call it, of the Lily of the Valley, when sufficiently developed to flower, should be of the size and shape shown in fig. 34. Those too small to flower are like that shown in fig. 35. But these rules as to size and shape are not given as certain, for few have had experience enough to say with accuracy at what size the crown of the Lily of the Valley will not flower, although we may say with some certainty, if the crown is large, that it will do so. It is the want of this knowledge that, in my opinion, has made the 86 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. flowering of the Lily of the Valley so uncertain when forced. As in forcing the Hyacinth, and other similar bulbs, crowns of the Lily of the Valley should be covered up outside for a few weeks, before being brought into the greenhouse or house to force. Those we flower are put in about the middle of November, packed closely to- gether in light, rich soil, in boxes three inches deep. These are covered up outside with hay until the first of r Fig. 35.— LILT OP THE VALLEY BUI)— POOR. January ; they are then brought into a greenhouse, facing north, where there is no direct sunlight at that season. The temperature is kept at about 70°, with a moist at- mosphere, and by the first of February they are in full flower. The Lily of the Valley could be grown finely in a Wardian case, as it would there get the proper light, with the necessary damp atmosphere. When grown in greenhouses, exposed to sunlight, it is necessary to shade GREENHOUSES ATTACHED TO DWELLINGS. 87 the glass very heavily. When the flowers are about to open, they should then have light to give the leaves a healthy green color. CHAPTER XXVII. GREENHOUSES ATTACHED TO DWELLINGS. The taste engendered by growing plants in rooms often results in a desire to have more appropriate quarters for the plants, and a greenhouse follows. This always affords the most satisfaction when it is so attached to the dwell- ing that opening a door or window from the dining- room or parlor, reveals the glories of the greenhouse. The greenhouse, when attached to the dwelling, should be always on the east, south-east, south, or south-west sides, never on the north. It may be of any length or width desired. If of ten feet width, it will cost for erec- tion from $4 to $6 per running foot, according to the character of the work. If 20 feet wide, from $8 to $10 per running foot. This is exclusive of heating, which, if done by hot- water pipes, will cost for 10 feet wide, about $4 per running foot ; if 20 feet wide, about $8 per running foot. Thus to complete a conservatory, with heating apparatus, shelves, etc., 10 feet wide by 40 feet long, it would cost about $400; if 20 x 40 feet, about $800. In this estimate it is assumed that the heat- ing is to be done by the Base Burning Water-heater, of Hitchings & Co. This heating apparatus is of recent invention, and is exceedingly well adapted for the pur- pose, as the fire requires no more attention than any ordinary base burning stoves. The boiler takes up no more room than an ordinary stove, and requires no set- 88 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. ting ; it is shown in fig. 36, and in section in fig. 37. It is fed by coal from the top, and can be left with safety 10 or 12 hours without any attention. It must be borne in mind that in constructing the conservatory it must be built where a chimney is accessible by which to carry off the smoke from the boiler or water heater, just as would Fig. 36.— BASE-BUBNEB. Fig. 37.— SECTION. be necessary for an ordinary stove. If the green- house is small enough to be heated from a register from the furnace that heats the dwelling, much of the cost may be saved, as it will be seen that nearly half of the cost of construction is the heating apparatus. Figure 38 shows a front elevation of a conservatory suitable to GREENHOUSES ATTACHED TO DWELLINGS. 89 Fig. 38.— ELEVATION OF CONSERVATORY ATTACHED TO DWELLING. -30- T Fig. 39.— GROUND PLAN OP CONSERVATORY, FIG. 38. 90 GARDENING FOE PLEASURE. attach to dwellings ; this is 16 feet wide and 30 feet in length. Its ground plan showing the arrangement of the benches and walks, is given in fig. 39. Such a structure in every way complete, heated with Hitchings Base Burn- ing water-heater, should not exceed $600. CHAPTER A DETACHED GREENHOUSE OR GRAPERY. In cases where more extended glass structures are de- sired, they are better if detached from the dwelling. The structure now given in figs. 40 and 41 is called a curvilinear span-roofed house, 100 feet in length by 20 in width ; fig. 40 shows the end view and plan, and fig. 41 gives sufficient of the elevation to show the end and a part of the side. The ends should face north and south, so that the distribution of the sun's rays will be equal on each side. Of course there is nothing arbitrary in the size, it may be made 50, 75, or 100 feet in length, or 20 to 25 feet in width as desired, and may be used either for the purposes of a vinery for the growing of foreign grapes, or for a conservatory as desired. All the walling from the surface of the ground to the glass of a greenhouse, had better be made of wood, unless the walls are made very thick when built of brick or stone ; the continued warfare in winter between a zero temperature outside, and 60° to 70° inside, will in a year or two destroy brick or stone walls. When the walls are formed of wood, the best way is to place locust posts at distances of four feet apart, and nail to these a sheathing of boards ; against the boards tack asphaltum or tarred paper, and again against that, place the weather-boarding. This forms a wall A DETACHED GREENHOUSE OR GRAPERY. 91 SCALE' Fig. 40. — END-VIEW AND PLAN OF DETACHED GBEENHOUSE OE GEAPEET. GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. Fig. 41.— ELEVATION (IN PAST) OF DETACHED GBEENHOUSE OB GKAPEJBT. A DETACHED GREENHOUSE OK GEAPEET. 93 which, if kept painted, will last for 50 years, and is equally warm as a 12-inch brick wall, and costs less than half. We have had just such a structure in use for the past five years as a cold vinery, that is having no heating apparatus, the forwarding being done only by the action of the sun on the glass, and it has proved a cheap and satisfactory luxury. A conservatory or grapery of this style costs from $10 to $15 per running foot, without heating apparatus. Heated by hot water, it would cost $20 to $30 per running foot. If heated by a horizontal flue in the manner here described, the cost will be only about $15 per running foot. Any good bricklayer should be able to build a smoke-flue from the following instructions. Let the bars for the grate be, (if for a glass surface of say 500 square feet), 2 feet in length and about 10 inches in width ; or in the proportion of about one-half a square inch of grate surface to one square foot of glass. Most masons of any experience know how to build a greenhouse flue, but there are a few important points, the knowledge of which is absolutely necessary to complete success. First, the furnace pit, if not naturally dry, must be made so by draining. After setting the grate- bars in the usual way by resting them on an iron plate, let into the brick work at front and back, the sides of the furnace should be built with fire-brick and fire clay if at all procurable, to the hight of from 10 to 20 inches, according to size wanted. On these walls an arch is turned over to cover the furnace; the "neck" of the furnace rising at a sharp angle for from 2 to 4 feet until it is run into the horizontal smoke-flue. The flue must be raised from the ground an inch or two on bricks or flagging. This costs perhaps a third more in building, but it allows all sides of the flue to give off heat. The cheapest and simplest form of flue is made after the bot- tom is formed by bricks or flagging ; brick is best near the furnace, as flagging would crack. Place two bricks 94 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. on edge, the top being covered by a brick laid flat ; this is the smallest size of flue. Larger grate surface will re- quire correspondingly greater hight and breadth. Flues are now commonly made by using cement or vitrified drain pipe, to connect with the brick flue, at from 25 to 40 feet from the furnace, the pipe not being safe to use near the furnace, as the greater heat would be likely to crack it. A flue, to get the full benefit of the fuel, should be so arranged that it goes all around the greenhouse, the base of the chimney being the top of the furnace. The advantage of this plan, (fig. 42), which has only recent- ly had general publicity, is that the excessive heat given out from the top of the furnace, drives back the cold air that would otherwise pass down the chimney ; not only too FEET FRONT BENCH 4 FEET V/IDE t WALK 2. FEET WIDE. K> in: ""^liii" '""* iz li n n WALK p-^ 2 FE.ELT WIDE FRONT BENCH Fl(KNAj;E ^ FEET W,DE H I Xig. ±A. — PLAN OF GREENHOUSE HEATED BY DOUBLE FLUES. drives it back, but passing rapidly out, "draws" to it the heated air that has to pass through the length of the horizontal flue, causing it to circulate so rapidly that all parts of the flue become nearly equally heated. In the case represented in fig. 42, the greenhouse so heated is 20 feet wide by 100 feet long, having a glass sur- face of over 2,500 square feet, a size utterly impossi- ble to heat with a flue unless so constructed that the base of the chimney stands on the top of the furnace. It will be seen by the plan that there are two flues running from one furnace, and entering into one chimney. I only il- lustrate this to show the power given by this method. It would do quite as well, if the house was half or quarter the size, to have it done by one flue instead of the two. I would here say emphatically that no matter HEATING BY HOT WATER. 95 what size a flue may be, and whether single or double, it should in every case be made on the principle of being carried all around the building until it enters the upright chimney built on the top of the furnace. CHAPTER XXIX. HEATING BY HOT WATER. Although we describe flues as a means of heating green- houses or graperies, they should be used only on the score of economy ; whenever one can afford to have the heat- ing done in the best manner, by all means let it be done by hot water. The hot-water apparatus requires less attention than flues, and its management is so simple that any one able to take care of an ordinary stove or furnace can take charge of a boiler for heating the water in the pipes of a greenhouse. Besides, there is no danger from smoke or gas, and but little risk from fire. Inside the greenhouse there is no danger from fire ; if they are filled with water the pipes cannot be made hot enough to ignite the most combustible substances that may come in contact with them. With the smoke flue it is very dif- ferent, dry wood or other combustible material will ignite if allowed to touch the brick, anywhere within 20 to 40 feet of the furnace. There are a great many patterns of boilers, and to recommend one more than another may seem invidious ; still we have had in use quite a number of different styles, and have found that, as far as our experience with them has gone, those made by Hitchings & Co., of New York, everything considered, have been most satisfactory. We have several of these boilers in use that have not cost a dollar for repair in ten years. 96 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. Fig. 43.— PLAN OF HOT-HOUSE AND GREENHOUSE COMBINED. HEATING BY HOT WATER. 97 Fig. 44.— FND-VIEW OP FIG. 43, AT BOILEK PIT. Figure 43 gives the ground plan of a combined hot-house and greenhouse, each 20 feet wide and 50 feet long, show- ing the disposition of the boiler and pipes. If this plan were shown in full on the page, the width would be quite too small, there- fore a portion of the length is left out of each compart- ment, as shown by the ir- regular lines; everything is given in proper proportion except the length, and thafc is stated in figures. The number of pipes indicated, (10), is sufficient to give a temperature of from 60° to 70° at night for the hot- house, and the number given in the greenhouse, (6), is such as will keep that compartment at from 40° to 50° in the coldest weather. A sectional view at the end where the boiler pit is placed is given in fig. 44, and an- other sectional view at the partition between the greenhouse and hot-house is shown in fig. 45. The cost of such a structure complete for the reception of plants, would vary ac- cording to location, and the style of finish; in the vicinity of New York at pres- ent prices, such a combined hot-house and greenhouse, 20x100, erected in a substantial manner, would cost about $3,000. Fig. 45. — END-VIEW OF FIG. 43, AT PARTITION BETWEEN THE TWO HOUSES. 98 GARDENING FOB PLEASURE. CHAPTER XXX. GREENHOUSES OR PITS, WITHOUT ARTIFICIAL HEATING. The directions given for heating greenhouses by hot water or by flues, apply of course only to sections of the country where the temperature during the winter months makes heating a necessity. In many of the southern states there is no need of artificial heat. A greenhouse tightly glazed and placed against a building where it is sheltered from the north and north-west will keep out frost when the temperature does not fall lower than 25 degrees above zero, and if light wooden shutters are used to cover the glass, all those classed as "greenhouse" plants will be safe even at 10 degrees lower, provided, of course, that the conservatory is attached to the dwelling, as shown in fig. 38. Another cheap and simple method of keeping plants during winter in mild latitudes is by FiS- ^.-SUNKEN PET. the use of the sunken pit or deep frame, which affords the needed protection even more completely than the eleva- ted greenhouse. This is formed by excavating the soil to the depth of from 18 to 36 inches, according to the size of the plants it is intended to contain. A convenient width is 6 feet, the ordinary length of a hot-bed sash, and of such length as may be desired. Great care must be taken that the ground is such that no water will stand in the pit ; if the soil is moist it should be drained. The sides of the pit may be either walled up by a 4 or 8-inch course of brick work, or planked up as may be preferred, but in either case the lack wall should be raised about eighteen inches, and the front about six inches above the COMBINED CELLAR AND GREENHOUSE. 99 surface, in order to give the necessary slope to receive the sun's rays and to shed the water. A section of such a pit is shown in fig. 46. If a pit of this kind is made in a dry and sheltered position, and the glass covered by light shutters of half -inch boards, it may be used to keep all the hardier class of greenhouse plants, even in locali- ties where the thermometer falls to zero. CHAPTER XXXI. COMBINED CELLAR AND GREENHOUSE. In connection with the description of the cold pit or greenhouse without fire heat, may be mentioned the com- bined cellar and greenhouse. Many years ago an acci- dental circumstance gave me an opportunity of testing the utility of such a structure. An excavation of 20 feet by 40 had been made 7 feet deep, and walled up with stone and beams laid across preparatory to placing a building upon it, when the owner changed his plans and found himself with this useless excavation within a dozen yards of his costly residence. There seemed to be no al- ternative but to fill it up or plank it over, but both plans were objectionable, and in discussing how to get out of the difficulty, I suggested erecting a low-roofed green- house over it, as the owner had a taste for cultivating plants. This suggestion was followed, and the walls were raised one foot above the surface and a span-roofed green- house erected over it. My idea, (which was found to be nearly correct), was, that the large volume of air in the excavation would at no season go below 40°, and be sufficient to keep the up- per or greenhouse portion of the structure above the 100 GARDENING FOR PLEASURE. freezing point in the coldest weather. This it did com- pletely when the glass was covered at night with shut- ters ; and the plants with which it was filled, of a kind requiring a low temperature, kept in better health than if they had been grown in a greenhouse having fire heat. Now, although I have never seen such a combination since, I am satisfied that in favorable circumstances such a structure might be made of great utility and at a trifling cost, for as it dispenses with heating apparatus, which usually is more than half of the whole cost in all greenhouses, the use of a cellar and greenhouse could be had at probably less than the cost of an ordinary green- house ; and for half hardy plants — plants that will do well in winter if kept only above the freezing point — such a greenhouse will be better for many of them than any kind of greenhouse heated by fire heat. All kinds of Eoses, Camellias, Azaleas, Zonal Geraniums, Violets, Cape Jessamines, Carnations, Abutilons, Verbenas, Prim- ulas, Stevias, and, in short, all plants known as cool greenhouse plants, will keep in a healthy, though nearly dormant condition, during the winter months, but they will flourish with greatly increased vigor at their natural season of growth, and flowering as spring advances. Be- sides, the cellar may be used for the ordinary purposes of such a place ; or if exclusively for horticultural purposes, no better place can be had for keeping all deciduous hardy or half hardy plants, Hyacinths in pots to start to flower, or any bulbs of similar nature. The great point to be observed is that the soil where such a structure is to be erected is entirely free from water, or if not so nat- urally, must be made entirely dry by draining. The style that I think would suit best for general pur- poses would be twelve feet in width, and of any length desired. The excavation should not be less than seven feet deep, walled up to about one foot above the surface. When complete it would show something like the section COMBINED CELLAR AND GREENHOUSE. 101 in fig. 47. If the glass roof is made fixed it should have ventilating sashes 3x3, at intervals of six or nine feet on each side of the roof ; if of sashes, they should be seven feet long by three feet wide, every alternate one being arranged to move for ventilation in the usual way. The position of the structure would be best with its ends north Fig. 47.— GREENHOUSE AND CELLAR COMBINED. and south. The shutters for covering the glass at night should be made of light half-inch pine boards, three feet wide by seven feet long. It will be understood that the advantage of this com- bination of cellar and greenhouse over the ordinary cold pit is that the air of the greenhouse is warmed or equal- ized by mixing with the atmosphere of the cellar, which will rarely be less than 40°. For the same reason, if a high temperature by fire heat were wanted, say 70°, this large body of air from below of 40° would make it diffi- cult to obtain it. It will be necessary, of course, to have the flooring boards covering the cellar wide enough apart to freely allow the passage of the air; this will at the same time give light enough for any operations necessary to be done in the cellar. 102 GAEDENING FOE PLEASUEE. CHAPTEE XXXII. HOT-BEDS. The sunken pit described on page 98 may be readily converted into a hot-bed ; all that is necessary to do be- ing .to place hot manure or other heating material in the pit and tread it moderately firm with the feet. The ma- nure should fill the pit to the depth of two feet, and then be covered with five or six inches of light rich soil, on which to sow the seed. This sunken pit prevents the escape of heat from the manure much better than when the hot-bed is made on the surface in the usual way. The preparation of the heating material for the hot-bed requires some attention. It should be manure fresh from the horse-stable, and when they can be procured, it is better to mix it with about an equal bulk of leaves from the woods. If the weather is very cold, the bulk of ma- nure must be of good size, from five to six wagon loads, thrown in a compact conical heap, else the mass may be so chilled that fermentation cannot take place and no heat generated. If a shed is convenient, the manure may be placed there, especially if the quantity is small, to be protected from cold until the heat begins to rise. The heap should be turned and well broken up before being used for the hot-beds, so that the rank steam may escape and the manure become of the proper " sweet- ened " condition for the healthy germination of the seeds. After the manure has been packed in the pit to the depth and in the manner described, the sashes should be placed on the frame and kept close until the heat is again gen- erated in the hot-bed. Now plunge a thermometer into the manure, and if all is right it will indicate 100 degrees or more, but this is yet too hot as bottom heat for the growth of seeds or plants, and a few days of delay must HOT-BEDS. 103 be allowed until the thermometer indicates a falling of 10 or 15 degrees, then the soil may be placed upon the manure and the seeds sown, or plants set out in the hot- bed. Amateurs are apt to be impatient in the matter of hot-beds, and often lose their first crop by sowing or planting before the first violent heat has subsided. An- other very common mistake is, in beginning too early in the season. In this latitude nothing is gained by begin- ning before the first week in March, and the result will be very nearly as good if not begun until a month later. There are two or three important matters to bear in mind in the use of hot-beds. It is indispensable for safety to cover the glass at night with shutters or mats until all danger of frost is over, for it must be remem- bered that the contents of a hot-bed are always tender from being forced so rapidly by the heat below, and that the slightest frost will kill them. Again, there is danger of overheating in day-time by a neglect to ventilate when the sun is shining. As a general rule it will be safe in all the average days of March, April, and May, to have the sash in the hot-bed tilted up from an inch to three inches at the back from 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Much will, of course, depend upon the activity of the heating ma- terial in the hot-bed, the warmth of the weather, and the character of the plants in the bed ; so that we can only give a loose general rule. Numbers of our amateur friends come to us every season lamenting that them- selves or their men in charge had omitted to ventilate their hot-bed, and on their return home from business at night, found all the contents had been "boiled" up. Or the complaint may be on the other extreme, that the plants are frozen through neglect to cover them at night. A hot-bed requires a certain amount of attention, which must be given at the right time, or failure is certain. 104 GARDEtflKG FOE PLEASURE. CHAPTER XXXIII. SHKUBS, CLIMBERS, AND TREES. A place is seldom so small that a few choice shrubs cannot appropriately find room, and in which climbers are not desirable, while in the larger places these become important to its proper ornamentation. Whether its size admits of the use of trees or not, both deciduous and evergreen shrubs, climbers as well as evergreen trees of low growth, are indispensable. "We here append a list of the leading kinds in each class, but which by no means exhausts the number of desirable varieties ; for the oth- ers reference may be made to the catalogues of the prin- cipal nurseries, where also will be found descriptions of those here named. HAKDT DECIDUOUS SHBUBS. Amygdalus nanafl. pi Flowering Almond. jffisculusparviflora Dwarf Horsechestnut. £erberis vulgaris — Barberry. " " var. purpurea Purple Barberry. Calycanthus floridus Sweet-scented Shrub. Cldonanfhus Virginica Fringe Tree. CytisMA elongatus Laburnum. Cotoneaster microphyUa Small-leaved Cotoneaster. Cratcegus Pyracantha Pyracanth Thorn. " oxyacanthafl. pi Hawthorn double white. " " « « Scarlet. Clethra alnifolia White Alder. Deutzia scabra Rough Deutzia. " crenatafl. pi Double *' " gracilis Slender " Euonymus atropurpureus Burning Bush. " latifolius Broad-leaved do. Forsythia viridissima Golden Bell. Halesia tetraptera Silver " Hibiscus Syriacusfl. pi Rose of Sharon, double. Hydrangea panlculata grandiflora Great-panicled Hydrangea. " Horiemia Common " ** Japonica Japan •• Eerria Japonica Japan Globe-flower. Lonicera Tartarica Tartarian Honeysuckle. SHRUBS, CLIMBERS, AND TREES. 105 Magnolia glauca Sweet Bay Magnolia. " conspicua Yulan Tree. " Soulangeana Soulanges' Magnolia. PhUadelphus coronarius Mock Orange. 44 nanus " " Dwarf. Ribes aureum Missouri Currant. " Gordonianum Gordon's " Syringa vulgaris Common Lilac. " alba White " ftrsica Persian " " alba " « White. Spiraea prunifolia fl. pi Plum-leaved Spiraea. callosa and var. alba Flat-topped " Reevesii fl. pi Lance-leaved " Douglasii Douglas' " hypericifolia St. Peter's Wreath. Viburnum Opulus Snowball. " plicatwn Dwarf Snowball. Weigda rosea Bush-Honeysuckle, Rose. " " fol.var " " Variegated. «« nivea " «« White. " amabalis " " Lovely. «* Deboisianna «« " Debois'. Azalea Dmtica, hybrids Belgian Azaleas. Cercis Japonica Japan Judas Tree. Pyrus Japonica Japan Quince. Prunus trUoba Flowering Plum. Stuartia pentagynia Stuartia. Symphoricarpus racemosus Snowberry. HAEDT EVEKGBEEN SHEUBS. Andromeda floribunda Free-flowering Andomeda,. Buxus sempervirens arborea Tree-Box. Biota orientalis Eastern Arbor-Vitae. Cephalotaxus Fortunii Daphne Cneorum Garland Flower. Ilex opaca American Holly. Juniperus communis var. Swcica Sweedish Juniper. "